The GPS government term of office had expired but they are allowed to stay beyond their term because of the imposition of emergency be the King.
Let it be known that there are three octopus arms of federal government to drain away the wealth of Sabah and Sarawak.
Parti Bumi Kenyalang receives many public complaints concerning the directive issued by the Sarawak Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) dated 05.10.2021 that prohibit citizens who are not fully vaccinated to travel inter-district. This directive did not take into consideration of citizens that could not for medical conditions, get themselves vaccinated.
Datuk Seri Dr. Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jafaar is again reminded that the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) is an invalid international agreement under international law. Since it is an invalid international agreement, no right in the invalid agreement could be implemented, restored or reinstated. The MA63 was invalid for many reasons.
The proposal for Sarawak of a allocation of RM400 billion by the federal government for 12th Malaysia is a huge increase from the 11th Malaysia Plan of RM248.5 billion. Sarawakians should not put much trust on this allocation because records in the past 58 years had shown the federal government had never been sincere and never cared Sarawak much.
Elections fraud occurs in most countries and one should not discount that this could not happen in Malaysia. A joint study of the voters’ rolls by electoral reform groups Bersih and Engage recently disclosed it was found more than 500,000 cases of voters registered with the same address, while more than two million were found to have no address. Many who were still on the register rolls could be already dead too – source Reuters May 3, 2018
PM Ismail Sabri has said the Shariah Courts(Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965 Amendment will be presented for states to discuss in October suggesting the Bill will be tabled in Parliament this year. He said the government was intensifying efforts to draft the Bill also known in Malay as the RUU355 Bill.
Sabah and Sarawak have enough miseries in Malaysia. We had been promised equality and fairness by Tunku Abdul Rahman but it turned out that we are "colonized" by MALAYA or been used to enlarge Malaya.
Articles about floods(and their destruction) are now actively viraled thru internet/ multi-media / whatsapp and announced over radio/tv throughout Sarawak.
I am not a politician but, being legally trained, I felt that Sarawakians should not be allowed to be confused by politicians concerning Sarawak independence and issues surrounding Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) and I need to clear some air because they involved some important legal issues.
Marudi: Seorang Ahli Party Bumi Kenyalang menyelar kerajaan persekutuan memberikan peruntukan RM18juta (termasuk bantuan COVID) untuk bantuan bencana di negeri Sabah dan RM78 juta bagi membantu mangsa banjir di Kedah yang di laporkan berita tetapi peruntukan untuk Sarawak tiada berita.
On 16-9-2021 a Memorandum was issued by SAPA & SSRANZ to the Sarawak Government to open negotiations with the Federal Government for a referendum on Sarawak’s independence. PBK was stated to have endorsed the Memorandum.
It is not correct for Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh of Parti Bersatu Sarawak in a press statement to say that Parti Bumi Kenyalang lacked a forward plan and policy beyond independence. We have many intelligent and professional people in the party and we believe we can steer Sarawak to be one the most prosperous country in this region, if Sarawak is under PBK.
(In reply to statement by Tan Sri James Masing appeared in Dayak Daily -16 September, 2021) Tan Sri Dr. James Masing is ill advised if he said that Sarawak could not seek independence or secede from the federation of Malaysia when he said this was not provided for in the federal constitution. Tan was Sri James Masing may need to know that there is no provision in the federal constitution to say Sabah and Sarawak could not secede from the federation.
(Reply to PSB’s press release on UDI) The international right to independence is enshrined in United Nations Resolution 1514 on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples which allows colonies the privilege to decolonize and to become independent countries.
It was never the intention of the party to marginalize or to sideline any potential candidates to stand for elections. Those who left the party were either impatient to be confirmed as candidates or had their own personal agenda or were just interested to create instability in the party.
The de facto Law Minister, Datuk Seri Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaffar being a lawyer should be aware that fundamental breaches of the MA63 (if initially valid) had caused the Treaty to collapse, void or invalid beyond repair. He should also understand that the Treaty is null and void or invalid when the Treaty was signed because Sarawak, Sabah and Singapore had no legal capacities to enter the Treaty with United Kingdom and Malaya to form Malaysia.
The announcement by Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department(Religious Affairs) Datuk Ahmad Marzuk Shaary that the federal government is drafting a Bill on controlling and restricting the development of non-Muslim religions is creating a lot of fear and uncertainty to Sarawakians of all faiths who have been living and practicing their respective religions in peace and harmony.
(The Borneo Post · 10 Sep 2021) MIRI: Sarawak is still a long way off from getting the full benefits of exclusive rights to oil and gas industry that should bring in much more revenue to the state, said Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) election candidate for Mulu, Dr Richard Ibuh.
Parti Bumi Kenyalang is a multi-racial political party in Sarawak and having an achievable mission :"IN QUEST OF INDEPENDENCE".
We plan to field 82 candidates in the coming Sarawak Election. We are not taking any donations but your gifts in appreciation of our struggles are appreciated.
肯雅兰全民党是砂拉越的多元种族政党,其使命是可实现的:“追求独立之路”。我们计划在即将到来的砂拉越大选中派出82名候选人,因此我们需要砂拉越人民和海外支持者在经济上以财礼(gift) 方式来支援我们。
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