Information leaked out from reliable sources that the nomination for 12th Sarawak Elections will be on 13 November 2021 and elections will be held on 27-28 November 2021. It is clear that GPS government is avoiding UNDI-18.
Although it is not clear whether UNDI-18 will support or be against the GPS government, there is no reason to exclude them in exercising their constitutional right to vote.
But what is known at the moment is that citizens are against having elections now because of the seriousness of covid-19. If elections are held in November, turn out will be very low and many aspiring candidates may not wish to join the fray. To plan or strategize to exclude them from voting or from standing as candidates is against their constitutional right. Sarawakians will see this as an abuse of power and that GPS will be seen as not caring for the lives of citizens.
Low turn out may not work to anyone's advantage. Those who are pro-government may think GPS will win and may not leave their homes to vote. Pro-independence supporters may come our in force to vote because they know Pro-independence political parties need votes from them.
To allow elections during this Covid-19 will be a blade against GPS which all opposition parties have to capitalise. This is because it is already in the minds of the people that government, ministers and YBs can come and go but life lost caused by Covid-19 is irreplaceable. No money can buy back a lost life.
CM Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg may see very tough times to be returned back to hold power because sentiments are against holding the elections during Covid-19. PBK won't mind that elections be delayed because PBK cares for the lives of people more than holding elections.
The holding of elections when Covid-19 is very serious and the failure to taking back oil and gas resources will work against GPS in coming elections.
GPS may hope that votes among opposition parties will split, but will not.
From ground sentiments, Sarawakians, especially in town and cities, citizens prefer local parties over political parties from Malaya. The dayaks is waking up now. They may take whatever money people can give them but this will not necessarily turn into votes for those who spent money on them.
PKR and DAP may find it tough for their unfulfilled promises of 20% oil and gas during their 22 months in power. A seat won by Malaya is seen a seat taken away from Sarawak and this is seen as taking Sarawak rights away. Further, citizens see Sarawak as a "colony" of Malaya.
The contest will be against pro- independence parties and against those who want Sarawak stay "colonized" by Malaya. From camapign by Parti Bumi Kenyalang, citizens acceptance for pro-independence political parties are stronger each day. PBK has a strong following because it is able to fill in all 82 seats to upset GPS and PSB in coming elections.
PBK has a secret weapon that will be unleashed at the right time to win elections and this will create shock in coming elections.
Voon Lee Shan
Parti Bumi Kenyalang