1) *What is a “left-wing social movement”?*
The "left-wing social movement" refers to the global anti-fascist and anti-Japanese resistance during the last century, followed by the widespread global struggles against imperialism, colonialism, and neo-colonialism. These movements occurred in colonial and semi-colonial countries or regions.

Sarawak people has questioned the validity of Malaysia Agreement 1963 citing the agreement signed by an independent country (Federation of Malaya) and two colonies of Britain namely Sabah and Sarawak and because of the inequality in status of these three parties making the agreement null and void according to united nations rulings.

17.09. 1957 is the Federation of Malaya (Federation of Malaya) registered in the United Nations as a member, not Malaysia. The territories of Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak were included in the territory of the Federation of Malaya and Federation of Malaya was renamed Malaysia at the United Nations on 16.09.1963.

17.09. 1957 是马来亚联邦(Federation of Malaya)在联合国注册,非马来西亚。新加坡,沙巴,砂拉越领土被列入马来亚联邦版图后在16.09.1963 马来亚联邦在联合国改名为马来西亚。所以从来就没有一个新国家“马来西亚”注册成为联合国会员。就因为这样,马来亚联邦就是马来西亚, 马来西亚也就是说是马来亚联邦。新加坡在08.09.1965脱离马来亚联邦成为独立国家。

Deklarasi dalam penganugerahan kemerdekaan kepada negara koloni dan rakyat.

Sarawak pada dasarnya masih dalam proses untuk menjadi sebuah negara merdeka penuh.

If this piece of news is anything near truth will be shocking to anyone in Malaysia and overseas because it is the compensation for the victims families which could be at least assisted the families financially owing to loss of family bread earners causing hardship to the families since Japanese invasion.

Video on Orang Asli in Malaya.
Lawyer Siti Kassim was blocked by officers of the Forestry Department yesterday from sending food and supplies to her clients in an Orang Asli settlement in Gua Musang, Kelantan.

Let the leaders in GPS and Sarawak YBs in PH know. Do you know how much pain Sarawakians suffered in the hands our conquers, the Malayans? They conquered our territory, not with gun but with pen...MA63 was cleverly crafted to conquer us as part of their territory.

No More Talk..No More Negotiation..Its Done..Its Given

In this chapter, we explore the constitutional existence of Sarawak

Retired Court of Appeal Judge, Justice Dato' Seri Hishamudin Yunus, listed ten reasons why Malaysia is a secular state, not a theocratic Islamic state.

One Sarawakian said it was the best-spent eight hours of his life. He expressed that sentiment during the Question and Answer session at a seminar titled “Religious Freedom and Nation Building – Religion without Compulsion.”

Before 509 election the public attack sighted and now friendly gesture sighted 

Sarawak history has been hidden from Sarawak people making Sarawak people one race (including all ethnic people living in towns, cities, villages, longhouses and forest and jungles) with no past making Sarawak people only loyal to Federal Government instead of their motherland Sarawak. With many educated Sarawak people awakening and the power of internet more Sarawak people come to realize Sarawak and its people have been short-changed.

The good example and a landmark ruling by the International Court Of Justice. Sarawak people perhaps can learn from history when in search of Sarawak  Independence. 




Article by Murray Hunter

For those born before 1963, their birth certificate and passport were issued by Sarawak government which proved that Sarawak was a nation before becoming part of Malaysia.Sarawak had its own currency and stamp and etc long before the existence  of Federation of Malaya.

How involved can the monarchy be in politics

Malaysia has a "constitutional monarchy", kinda like the Queen of England. But how does it work? And how involved should constitutional monarchs be in politics?

In 1867, Kingdom of Sarawak’s first General Council meeting was held in Bintulu, making it the earliest legislative system in Malaysia. Today, a clock tower and a centenary stone remain as a reminder of where the meeting took place. When Vyner unveiled the Nine Cardinal Principles of the rule of the White Rajah in 1941, the General Council meeting was held in Kuching

The Nine Cardinal Principles of the rule of the English Rajah is the Preamble of the Sarawak Constitution 1941, the document setting forth the Sarawak Constitution 1941 opened by enunciating the Cardinal Principle were edict by Charles Vyner Brooke, the White Rajah of Sarawak on 24 September 1941 known as the Nine Cardinal Principles of the rule of the White Rajah later adopted into the Report of the Commission of Enquiry, North Borneo and Sarawak, 1962 in APPENDIX C as the Nine Cardinal Principles of the rule of the English Rajah,[1]


You see, Singapore declared UDI (Unilateral Declaration of Independence) on 31 Aug 1963, which was not recognised by Britain and Malaya. For a British colony to have its independence restored, the British Parliament must pass the independence act for the colony.

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