Without referring to all the racist happenings or events in the past one and half years somehow related to Prime Minister and Pakatan Harapan one way or the other, then Prime Minister remarks on racist comments of opposition during by-election campaign is legit. Nevertheless many would blame Prime Minister and his supporters for the by-election "racist" campaign of opposition.

Isn't it true that opposition by-election campaign and any future election campaign will become "racist" owing to Prime Minister involvement  of "racist" function or remarks such as during the recent  "Malay Dignity Congress"? Opposition is just making use of your own "filthy racist" remarks or involvement for their benefit to gain political mileage. Obviously, Prime Minister's several "racist" remarks all this while is basically a political one with the aim to please Malay community so as to secure Malay support for himself and his party and at the same time displeasing Chinese and Indian and other races. To put it bluntly, it is just a copycat of British ancient (but never fail) political strategy of "Divide And Rule"

It is so unfortunate that May 9 2018 election people's victory with the hope of birth of New Malaysia and righting all the wrong has been dashed under the leadership of Tun Dr. Mahathir. Instead of trying to fulfill the election promises, election manifesto, Tun Dr. Mahathir upfront declared "Election promise is not bible" and they "didn't expect to win hence making promises without realizing not possible to fulfill". Such feedback from Prime Minister has fed out Malaysian and Malaysian know for sure the new Pakatan Harapan government will not make any difference when compared to previous BN government in view of policies proposed and implemented  are like twins of previous BN government administrative policies.

Sarawak people feel that the new government has interfered and suspended projects started by previous BN government which is not in the interest of Sarawak people and merely for political reasons.Worse still there is rumour of federal fund of RM3,000,000,000 for federal JKR handling ended with only RM1,000,000,000 reaching contractor making the project inferior and impossible mission. Will MACC take the initiative to find out whether such rumour remains as rumour? 

Aren't Sarawakian short-changed without fulfillment of election manifesto - increased petroleum loyalty from 5% to 20% and all tax collected and transferred to federal government 50% will be returned to Sarawak? With official report of at least 850,000 barrels of petroleum per day extracted from Sarawak and exported by Petronas with the net value of at least RM140,000,000 per day therefore any excuse of no sufficient fund for Sarawak is just lame  excuse.

The only way out for Sarawak perhaps is to go for self government using the Parti Bumi Kenyalang's peaceful and  United Nation's International Laws strategy of Unilateral Declaration Of Independence. By doing so Sarawak could be heading towards Singapore style of development and progress.


Racial politics played by desperate parties – Dr M  Source:(Borneo Post - POSTED ON NOVEMBER 15, 2019)

KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said the people behind the racial politics currently being played in the country were those who were desperate following the legal action taken against them due to their greed and arrogance while in power.

Dr Mahathir advised the people not to give them the opportunity to continue instigating the people.

“The easiest way is not to vote for their representative in the Tanjung Piai by-election.

“They do not care if their actions lead to civil strife because for them, in the event of a clash, their wrongdoing will be sidelined,” Dr Mahathir said in a note via his official Twitter account today.

Meanwhile, Dr Mahathir said he believed Pakatan Harapan candidate Karmaine Sardini, who is also the head of the Tanjung Piai Bersatu (PPBM) Division, is the best candidate to continue the efforts of the late Dr Md Farid Md Rafik.

“In addition to understanding the wants and needs of the locals, Haji Karmaine will certainly be able to continue the development plans and channel the provisions for this Parliamentary constituency which was previously secured by Dr Md Farid,” he said.

In the by-election, Karmaine will go up against Barisan Nasional (BN) candidate Dr Wee Jeck Seng, Gerakan’s Wendy Subramaniam, Parti Barisan Jemaah Islamiah (Berjasa) president Datuk Badhrulhisham Abdul Aziz as well as two independent candidates, Dr Ang Chuan Lock and Faridah Aryani Abd Ghaffar.

Polling will be held this Saturday (Nov 16). – Bernama

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