Malaysia has many high profile corruption cases. Sarawak is also not free from corruption in high places. Many senior politicians and former prime ministers and ministers had faced investigation by relevant authorities in recent years.
Corruption and abuse of power in his places can destroy the country's economy, cause inflation and rise of serious crimes including Illegal gambling, human trafficking, prostituion and drugs trafficking.
Crimes could undermine security of the country. Corruption and abuse of power can cause confidence in law enforcement agencies wanning.
It seemed that public confidence in administration of justice also plummeted to very low level. This could be seen from comments in social media.
Those who were involved in huge corruption cases were seen by public to have light sentences compared with people who were convicted to steal a few tins of food for their children.
In view of massive corruptions happening in the country it is urged that the federal government and all state governments make joint declaration to make the year 2025 as a year to fight corruption and abuse of power and to declare corruption as the Country's Enemy No. 1.
Voon Lee Shan
President Parti Bumi Kenyalang
22 January 2025