Voon L SWe are cery proud to have an airline of our own but, many airlines in the world collapsed! At one time MAS was said in problems with management and it was Idris Jala who salvaged the whole thing.

To run an airline needs the expertise of professionals but if the Managers will be given fat salaries and bonuses and if for political considerations, some political figures and allies who have no knowledge about airline industry, sit on the Board of Directors, my fear is we may see scandals soon.

The GPS government should disclose what is the health of MASwing at the time it was acquired by Sarawak. There is no disclosure about this, I guess .

If MASwing is in the red, then it may not be wise to buy MASWING.

The Sarawak government needs to declare or disclose financial health of MASwing to the public at time of purchase.

If Sarawak is really in need of an airline, why not start an airline with new aircrafts?

Is it wise in buying second hand aircrafts?

What is the price of each of these aircrafts? Could it be more expensive than new ones?

There is a need to do deep research and proper studies before venturing into airline business.

Several airlines in the world have declared bankruptcy, with some ceasing operations, while other airlines reported historic reductions in flights, as well as accelerating retirements of certain aircraft types, such as the Airbus A340, Airbus A380, or the Boeing 747. Around 8 October 2020, 43 commercial airlines had gone bankrupt caused by COVID 19.

To say we can provide cheaper airfares to Sarawakians during festive seasons is not an excuse. The government could always have a system in place to subsidize the air tickets during emergencies and festive seasons.

There could been things unexpected or unforeseen in airline industry.

The priority of Sarawak is not to have airline on her own to connect her people. What we badly need is proper roads connecting all areas in Sarawak. This is the main complaint now.

Voon Lee Shan

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