Rakyat have been given the impression that Dr. M is the only person who could give the final decision and he is so powerful that no one dare to say otherwise. Recent reverse concept and decision against PH Election Promises seems to confirm that he has voluntary grab the decision making power of PH as well as Federal Government. 

No one above the law, rulers included, says Dr M

PETALING JAYA: Dr Mahathir Mohamad said the government was committed to the rule of law, saying no one including the rulers is above the law.

“There is no provision which exempts anyone from the rule of law,” the prime minister wrote on his first blog post for the year.

“For the rulers, there is a special court but the laws are the same as the laws applicable to ordinary citizens. The rulers too must respect the laws.”

He said Pakatan Harapan was different from the previous administration who he accused of abusing laws that oppressed the people and exposed them to “unknown but real” fears.

“The basic law of Malaysia is the constitution. It is a comprehensive body of laws which determines the legal structure of Malaysia from the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong to the rulers of the states, to the federal and state governments and the bodies empowered to rule and enforce,” he wrote.

He said he was disturbed to see “blatant” breaches of the law invoking immunity, although he did not explain further.

“The result is predictable. The citizens suffer from injustices. Businesses cannot be done properly. Property has been seized. Unusual and illegal actions have been perpetrated,” said Mahathir.

Mahathir noted that public complaints against such actions were legitimate and did not breach any law.

“They will not be considered as sedition in any way. They will be regarded as free speech. Citizens can make reports on these matters or openly speak about them.”

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