(Soyacincau - 22 AUGUST 2019)

[UPDATE 22/8/2019 21:40PM ]: MAHB has updated that the systems at KLIA are not yet fully stabilised. The restoration will require hardware replacements which have already arrived and they will conduct testing tonight.

To offer further assistance to passengers, MAHB has deployed almost 1,000 staff on the ground. Passengers departing from KLIA are still advised to arrive at least four hours before departure time. MAHB hopes to resolve the situation by tomorrow morning (23rd August).

Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) is facing system disruptions since last night. This affects multiple airport systems including WiFi, flight information display, check-in counters and baggage handling systems. As of 10:30am this morning, a total of 20 flights departing from KLIA Main Terminal has been delayed.

During the recovery process, Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad (MAHB) has deployed 500 staff to assist passengers on the ground. For those catching a flight at KLIA and KLIA2, MAHB is advising passengers to be at the airport at least 4 hours before their departure time.

At 1:00pm, MAHB has issued a statement mentioning that all critical passenger-facing systems at KLIA2 including Flight Information Display System (FIDS) are fully functioning. Passengers are encouraged to check-in online via the respective airlines’ mobile app or website.

Initially, they have also updated that credit card transactions are unavailable at retail and F&B outlets in KLIA but this has been restored at 3:50pm. MAHB said its teams are working around the clock to rectify the problem and to minimise the inconvenience to passengers. So far there’s no estimated timeline for full restoration.
For the latest updates, you can follow them via Twitter or call them at 03-8776 2000 if you need more details about your flight.

Source: Soyacincau

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