SPA: Sarawak Rangers should be revived as security force under Sarawak government

(Dayak Daily - September 2, 2019 )
KUCHING, Sept 2: Sarawak Patriots Association (SPA) is calling for Sarawak Rangers to be revived as a local security force under the Sarawak government.

Taking into consideration of the total length of 1,500 km between Sarawak and Kalimantan, SPA chairman Datuk John Lau said it would be recommended to set up more security checkpoints along the borders.

“Sarawak has the expertise. The Sarawak Rangers once reactivated, can recruit Sarawakians to serve the force. They can be trained by competent experts in Sarawak. After the training, the Sarawk Rangers can patrol the borders competently. “We propose that the Sarawak Rangers shall report to the Sarawak government,” he said.

In 1963, upon the formation of Malaysia, Lau said the Sarawak Rangers became part of the Royal Ranger Regiment. However, he said it was unknown why the Sarawak Rangers were not allowed to operate after the formation of Malaysia. “We have done some research and at this time, we are not able to find any clue as to the disbandment of the Sarawak Rangers.

“Thus, we guess that the dissolution of the Rangers was due to defence coming under the federal authority. “The Sarawak Rangers had been instrumental to fight the communist in the 60’s and early 70’s,” he said. Revealing a bit of history, Lau said the Sarawak Rangers was founded in 1862 as a paramilitary group by Charles Anthony Brooke.

He said the reactivation of the Sarawak Rangers would be able to safeguard the safety of Sarawak particularly along the borders, and would be a step towards Sarawak autonomy with Sarawak’s own security force defending its borders against external forces. “We need to equip them with technology and skills. Our security needs to be tightened when Indonesian capital move to Borneo, and more human and cargo traffic between the two countries – Sarawak and Indonesia.

“SPA calls upon every Sarawakian to support the move to reactivate Sarawak Rangers in preparation of Indonesia relocation of their capital city to East Kalimantan,” said Lau in a statement today. He asserted that Sarawakians know best how to defend Sarawak.

“Cross border crimes like human trafficking, smuggle of arms, drugs, illegal mobility of animals, illegal trade and illegal vehicles may be some of the cross-border crimes that may occur,” he said.

Source: — DayakDaily

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