1) *What is a “left-wing social movement”?*
The "left-wing social movement" refers to the global anti-fascist and anti-Japanese resistance during the last century, followed by the widespread global struggles against imperialism, colonialism, and neo-colonialism. These movements occurred in colonial and semi-colonial countries or regions.

They aimed to achieve social fairness and justice, ethnic equality and harmony, and shared prosperity. They resisted divide-and-rule tactics and opposed systems of unreasonable exploitation and oppression.

2) *Why do we need to affirm the contributions of left-wing movements to social progress?*

Many of us have dedicated our lives to the struggle for a better future for the people of our country and the world. Thousands of martyrs sacrificed their lives heroically. Given the international and domestic circumstances of the time, active participation in left-wing movements was the best and often the only viable choice.

However, in some countries and regions, the historical contributions of left-wing movements have not only been neglected but deliberately distorted and discredited by certain groups. These movements have been portrayed in documents and books as savage, subversive elements or terrorists.

3) *The contributions of left-wing movements to social progress can be summarized as follows:*

   ① They promoted the awakening of the people, national unity, and progress within each country.

   ② They advanced the processes of national liberation and independence.

   ③ They advocated for ethnic equality, harmony, and prosperity, opposed divide-and-rule policies, respected the preservation of native languages, and defended ethnic education. In Sarawak, they supported the development of education for the Dayak people and the Chinese language, which had long been neglected and suppressed.

4) *The left-wing social movement of that time was continuous and commendable.*  

   Countless passionate young people of all ethnic groups served the people wholeheartedly, striving for social fairness and justice, ethnic equality and harmony. They opposed divide-and-rule policies and the exploitation and oppression inherent in unjust systems, vowing to build fair, just, harmonious, and prosperous nations. This left-wing movement had a profound impact on the course of history and deserves national recognition and social respect.

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