(Borneo Post - POSTED ON AUGUST 23, 2019, FRIDAY AT 12:04 AM)
SIBU: Members of the public are disturbed to hear that the negotiations on oil and gas have to be done by the chief minister alone with the prime minister, according to Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK).

In a press statement yesterday, PBK president Voon Lee Shan said there is nothing to negotiate when oil and gas resources belong to Sarawak and its people. He said Peninsular Malaysia has no right to the resources.

“To agree to negotiate shows that Sarawak is a colony of Malaya (Peninsular Malaysia), not an equal partner with equal status at all,” he suggested.

He said the chief minister must be on the alert lest his action cause damage or harm to Sarawak’s economy, and in the event that he fails to get back Sarawak’s rights to its resources.

He said Sarawak needs money to develop and to catch up with other countries in this region.

“What the people want is 100 per cent of oil and gas resources back to Sarawak, nothing less.

“The negotiations should not only be about taking back 100 per cent of our oil and gas resources but also the lost revenues since the passing of the Petroleum Development Act 1974,” he said.
He said that it would be fair and justifiable to impose such condition on the chief minister for fear that he would give in to the demands of the prime minister.

“Politicians in power are reminded to act within their power and not be negligent,” he pointed out.

He also reminded the chief minister that he holds office on oath and trust to protect the property and people of Sarawak.

“At the same time, being the chief minister, he is bound by the law and could also be liable for political negligence if he negligently causes loss to Sarawak in his negotiations for Sarawak’s oil and gas resources with the prime minister,” he said.

He also reminded that the people of Sarawak are not happy over the huge loss of revenue from Sarawak’s oil and gas after the then chief minister Tun Abdul Rahman Yaakub signed away this right in perpetuity to the Federation of Malaysia by retaining a meagre five per cent.

“The loss of our revenues to Putrajaya is in hundreds of millions of ringgit each day and the chief minister has a duty to get them back for Sarawak,” he stressed.

Source: Borneo Post 

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