The land could be initially either under NCR or Sarawak government and the road, from the picture, is a proper tar-sealed road. It could be at later stage the company concerned resourceful enough manged to acquire the land and now without taking into consideration the plight of the community set up the blockade.
Such inconsideration act of private companies is repeating in Sarawak and there is no guarantee that it will not happen again in the future. Therefore, it is time for Sarawak people to voice against such inhumane act and Sarawak government somehow have to do something to put a stop to such act.
Adun should pass in DUN that no individual or companies can block any access road that has been used by community. And alternative road of similar size and quality and accessibility must be built and acceptable by the community before blockade allowed. Any failure to observe it will have the land ownership of companies forfeited and return to Sarawak government.
This is just the very least adun can do to protect the long house folks. Protection of NCR land should be the mission of adun.
Concrete blocks bar access roads to longhouses, causing distress to villagers in Igan
*Borneo Post - BY PETER BOON ON DECEMBER 5, 2019, THURSDAY AT 5:59 PM)
SIBU: A roadblock has been erected at access roads leading to Rh Jalak and Rh Nita in Tanjung Penasu, Igan affecting about 300 residents.
Several blocks of concrete labeled with the letter ‘G’ were placed across the two access roads, leaving residents to the longhouses frustrated.
According to Parti Sarawak Bersatu (PSB) Bawang Assan Bumiputra Unit chairman Andrew Shilling, the blockade began on Dec 3.
He said the access roads affected led to the 51-door Rh Jalak, while the other to 28-door Rh Nita.
“I was there (at the affected longhouses) on Dec 3 to check on the situation and understand the plight of the residents,” he told The Borneo Post when contacted today regarding the issue.
He believed the roadblock was put in place by a landowner was due to an internal problem between folk of Rh Jalak and the landowner concerned. It was also made to understand that the road allegedly runs through private land.
“I was made to understand a police report has been made and so, let the police handle the matter.
“But my advice to the residents is to sit down with the landowners and the relevant authorities such as District Office, Resident Office and Land and Survey Department (to work out an amicable solution).
“But don’t bring in politics into this matter as it has nothing to do with politics. It does not involve politics,” Shilling asserted.
Meanwhile, it is learned a copy of the letter pertaining to the roadblock on the access road leading to Rh Jalak has been sent to Sibu Resident Office, District Office, Public Works Department (JKR), Land and Survey Department, Sibu Rural District Council (SRDC) and police.
The letter dated Dec 4 was signed by ‘Tuai Rumah’ Jalak Kusau.
Meanwhile, Sibu District police ACP Stanley Jonathan Ringgit, said a police report had been received on the matter.
He said the complainant had requested speedy action from JKR and the party concerned and wanted to lodge a complaint to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission’s (MACC) on how a tar-sealed road to the village could be made through private land.
“There is no criminal offence reported as of now and our side will monitor the development closely,” he added.
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