Referendum is one of the legitimate procedures to exit under international law but to go for a referendum may not for political and legal reasons be suitable to Sabah and Sarawak. There are many countries in the world that got their independence by way of referendum. The fact they were held instead of seeking Unilateral Declaration of Independence depends on many legal and political considerations.

Sabah and Sarawak are in a unique situation, different from those who got their independence by referendum in many ways.

To legal opinions the formation of Malaysia was a fraud and if a referendum is the choice of the people, then we waive the illegality of formation of Malaysia. When a Union is illegal, the state government is politically bound to declare it and use the declaration to exit.

If you know a marriage is void you have a right to walk out of it and then get the court to declare it as void if you intend to remarry. Nothing your spouse can do even if you walk off.

The Legislature is a law making body and it is also a court where decisions are made. Legislature can also impose sanctions for breaches of Order or decisions. The Legislature can just decide.This will be faster procedure to get out. Be advised each day we are losing about RM285 million from oil revenue alone to federal. From other sources of revenue this loss perhaps could be in the region of about RM1 billion everyday.

Delay to exit will cause much loss to us.


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