(dayakdaily - KUCHING, July 28): Democratic Action Party (DAP) has lost no less than 30 brilliant politicians and leaders since the party entered Sarawak.

Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) president Voon Lee Shan highlighted this in responding to the sudden resignation of Padungan assemblyman Wong King Wei from DAP as well as refusal to seek re-election for Padungan seat in the next state election yesterday (July 27).

“The resignation of YB Wong, a person of a few words, is a shock to many. (But) he was not the first leader in DAP Sarawak that had resigned from the party,” he said in a statement today.

Voon, who was a former DAP member and former Batu Lintang assemblymen, described DAP like a factory that produced many brilliant politicians, in which political parties, especially local ones, should learn from them.

“The problem is, they were too brilliant to stay as some chose to resign while others were booted out of the party.

“Their brilliance simply caused them to breach Rule No. 1 in politics and when that happened, they did not know how to apply Rule No. 2 to solve the problem,” he added.

When problems arised, he pointed out that they would find themselves in trouble with their leaders and comrades in the party.

“Their party leaders were stunned when they abruptly resigned,” he added.

He shared that among the brilliant leaders who had left or been booted out from the party included the late Sim Kwang Yang and Wong Sing Nang, who were well respected and heavyweights in the party.

Apart from Voon himself, he said other notable leaders no longer with DAP were Dominique Ng who has joined Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Dr Ting Chik Ming, former Dudong assemblyman Yap Hoi Liong, Kung Ching Ching, Edward Luak, Wong Huan Yu and former Pujut assemblyman Fong Pau Teck.

“Many found a new ‘home’ somewhere to continue with their political career.

“I hope YB Wong King Wei will make a comeback to politics after all things (have) cooled down. A young man like him surely has many things to offer for the good of Sarawak,” he added.

Meanwhile, Wong, in his statement yesterday, expressed his disappointment over DAP’s refusal to listen to any dissenting voice and lack of inclusivity in opinion and view points.

“It is a wrenching pain when I think of DAP. I am of the view that the party has lost the greatest opportunity when ruling the country at federal level, to have our ideas and dreams realised into actions.

“During the 22-month rule under Pakatan Harapan (PH), what we said in front of the people and what we promised the people seemed to have gone down the drain.

“If we were to get back to where we started, with integrity and sincerity, it seems to me that the DAP has a lot to explain to our voters,” he said.

He claimed the party has deviated from the aims, objectives and struggle of the earlier days when he joined in 2006.

Wong said that he made an early announcement to allow time for the DAP to scout for candidates to replace him in the coming state election.

Source : —DayakDaily

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