YAB Chief Minister Abg Zohari Tun Openg is put to headache as to when he wants to hold 12th Sarawak Elections. This is because Datuk Awang Tengah and him had announced many multi-million projects Many of these projects have not been completed and some not started yet. This will be campaign issues against BN/GPS.
Voters are smart now because the use of social media and UTube could be damaging to BN/GPS. Not only Parti Bumi Kenyalang will attack BN/GPS but they will be attacked by DAP, PKR and PSB too.
To win the elections, BN/GPS will have to complete these projects before it is wise for elections to be held. DAP and PKR will also be attacked by their opponents and Parti Bumi Kenyalang and PSB will not let go DAP and PKR for their unfulfilled promises in the last General Elections. It will be a very interesting elections
Definitely, Parti Bumi Kenyalang will attack BN/GPS for any incompetence in handling the various projects announced by YAB Chief Minister Abg Abg Zohari Bin Tun Openg and Datuk Awang Tengah.
It has been circulated in the Facebook and WAGs of the projects by BN/GPS government of many damaged roads and poor infrastructure in the rural areas now. For 57 years roads in rural areas had not been maintained properly. The inability to provide treated water and electricity to rural folks will be used by Parti Bumi Kenyalang to attack BN/GPS in the coming elections.
Another factor that BN/GPS is put to headache is their logo .That, it is difficult for them to explain their logo. It is neither a goose or a Kenyalang. If BN/GPS says it's Kenyalang, BN/GPS will help to promote Parti Bumi Kenyalang. BN/GPS can put their flags along the road, but people will not be convinced of their campaign because of garbage of 57 years BN/GPS had carried.
SEDAR will also love to attack BN/GPS too. The loss of NCR land of natives will give BN/GPS big headache too.
People begin to realise that there has to be a change of government and Parti Bumi Kenyalang is the hope. PSB is considered as old wine in new wine skin. Old wine and new wine skin cannot mix as the new win skin will burst and the wine will pour out and be lost