Sarawak Parti Bumi Kenyalang Treasurer General Jamie Tiew Yen Houng , remarked “Sibu’s flooding is a never ending sad story”. Since the 1970s, flood control plans have been proposed by politicians during Sarawak election. The early flood control areas such as Island Road and Long Bridge Road were hard-hit during monsoon seasons.

The early flood control plan was to raise roads level. It is true that the early flood control has solved the flooding problem in the certain Sibu urban area, but in the 1990s, everyone found that that method can no longer solve the flood problem. Later, a plan was proposed to use the road as the embankment and setting up flood gates at river/stream mouths. Although the plan can only treat the symptoms, it has solved the flood problem in Sibu depending on full implementation of the plan.

However, I was surprised that the flood gate control plan was stopped halfway through, and the funding for the third phase of the flood gate control plan was transferred to Kampung Nangka and Kampung Hilir, while the ruling component parties, the SUPP and the Democratic Progressive Party, dare not say anything and now just busy making short videos to promote themselves.

What is even more ridiculous is that the two ruling parties have not reached consensus on flood control plan for Sibu and making use of the issue to do just lip-servicing. One of them wants to dredge the Lanang River, and the other wants to control the flood with gates and pumps. Isn't this a reuse of 1990s abandoned proposal? It’s just that a change politicians on the same flood problem. Flooding issue always resurfaces during every election. It used to be a battle between the opposition party and the ruling party, but now it has become a tool for the ruling component parties to gain support from local people. When it comes to flood control, why the third Sibu flood gate control plan shelved?

As a real estate agent, I feel sorry for the people of Sibu, because many developers did not choose to develop in Sibu. The reason is that the flooding scared away many investors, which made it difficult to sell and enhance real estate’s value. The human factor is essential, no matter how much money you make overseas, you would like to buy a property in Sibu or else Sibu real estate will be in worse situation..

Flooding is a stumbling block to development. Sibu, such as the Bukit Asset district, is the best geographical location in the city. As long as the floor control is done well, these places will instantly become prime locations and re-planning will become popular development areas. Unfortunately, Our GPS government can only remember the importance of flood control plan during flooding and hearing rakyat cries over flooding situation; but it’s forgotten a few months after the flood. Shelving the flood control plan until the next flooding.

May I ask how much fund the GPS used last year to control flood in Sibu? Will it become a lie in the next election? Now our head, Abang Joe, has announced development plans everywhere, but why did he not mention the Sibu Flood Control Plan? Did the GPS members in Sibu not fighting for it? Otherwise, why hasn't the third phase of Sibu's flood control plan started yet? How long will Sibu have to wait to get rid of the flooding problem? If the GPS government fails to solve the flooding problem, it is time for Sarawak people to choose Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) in the next election to vote PBK into DUN, let PBK fix the flood problem as priority so that investors can regain their confidence in Sibu.


Parti Bumi Kenyalang is a multi-racial political party in Sarawak and having an achievable mission : "IN QUEST OF INDEPENDENCE". We plan to field 82 candidates in the coming Sarawak Election therefore we need financial support from Sarawak people and supporters abroad. After 57 years in federation of Malaysia we feel that Sarawak people can work with Parti Bumi Kenyalang to stop the plundering of Sarawak's natural resources and grab of Native Customary Rights Land against the wish of indigenous people of Sarawak.

 For the better future of Sarawak, we urge Sarawakian and overseas supporters to work with us and support us in the coming election.

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