It doesn't make any difference as Malaysia Agreement 1963 is null and void for the following reasons:
1) Independent country federation of Malaya signed jointly with three colonies of British known as Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak
2)Malaysia Agreement 1963 signed by 4 partners with Singapore leaving the federation the agreement is considered null and void.
The amendment of federal Constitution could not resurrect the invalid Malaysia Agreement 1963. The amendment of federal Constitution is just Sarawak election gimmick and doesn't specifically spell out equal partnership nor allocation of 1/3 Parliament seats each to Sabah and Sarawak.
The amendment does not guarantee ownerships of oil and gas, territorial seas, continental shelf, land especially NRC returning to Sarawak.
The amendment means nothing to soverenity, autonomy and fair allocation of fund and there is no check and balance system to ensure Sabah and Sarawak will never be shortchanged and likely continue to beg or being hold ransom when applying for fund allocation.
The only way out for Sarawak is obviously vote independence in this 12th Sarawak Election and send Parti Bumi Kenyalang 73 candidates to Sarawak DUN.