I sought to intervene the admission of two retired federal court Judges, YAA Tan Sri Richard Malanjum and YAA Tan Sri David Wong to practice as resident lawyers in Sarawak.

I have to intervene the admission of these two retired judges, YAA Tan Sri Richard Malanjum and YAA Tan Sri David Wong and they are both Sabahans. Their admission to practise law in Sarawak had been granted by the High court recently.

I lost before the high court and is now appealing against the decision of the High Court, inclusive of the heavy costs imposed against me before the Court of Appeal today in Kuching.

Non Sarawakians who want to practise law needs to fulfil all conditions required by law. This is a protection in the Sarawak Advocates Ordinance and in federal constitution and also under the Malaysia Agreement 1963 given to Sarawakians against outsiders to practice law here, in which, I humbly say I need to protect.

The law and Malaysia Agreement 1963 is to prevent an influx of lawyers outside Sarawak to practice law in Sarawak and this can lead them depriving the rice bowl of Sarawakian children in future.

I am of the humble opinion that both of them had not complied with the legal requirements to practise as resident lawyers in Sarawak. This led me to intervene against their application and admission to practice law here.

I also feel that it is my duty to protect the interest of Sarawakians under the Malaysia Agreement 1963.

I am thankful to my team of lawyers led by senior lawyers RJ Noel Esq. and Lim Heng Choo Esq in representing me in this case.

Voon Lee Shan
Parti Bumi Kenyalang
16 February 2022

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