The newly formed action group JUSTICE FOR SABAH (JFS) by a group of passionate Sabah leaders to champion the rights and justice for all Sabahan and Sarawakian had on the 28th April 2022 executed a Memorandum of Association (MOA) with a Kuala Lumpur based established professional firm MYKITA Sdn. Bhd. (myKITA), whose business is the Centre of Integrity, Professional governance and Advance. They provide also a wide range of educational training and consultation with a strong team of learned professional expertise.

(In the picture from left is Kanul Gindol, Cleftus Mojingol, Peter Marajin, Edward Ewol Mujie, Michael Liew Hock Leong, Arthur Sim, with Datuk Hiew and Myocho Kan during the signing of the MOA.)

The signing ceremony was conducted in the office of JFS in Kota Kinabalu represented by Datuk Dr. Hiew King Cheu, the chairman for JFS, and Mr. Myocho Kan, the President and Founder of MYKITA Sdn. Bhd., witnessed by Mr. Peter R M Marajin, a senior lawyer and the legal advisor of JFS.

In view of the complexity and high level of knowledge plus experiences necessary to deal with some cases to uphold justice in Sabah and Sarawak, it is deemed necessary by JFS to seek established professional firm to provide additional guidance and assistance. JFS is not politics oriented and it serves as a people’s organisation. To that effect, JFS selected myKITA to be associated with in closed partnership. The future participation and contribution by myKITA to foster justice will be very valuable in Sabah and Sarawak. This is the ultimate and primary function of JFS.

On behalf of JFS, Datuk Hiew expressed his heart-felt thanks and gratitude towards myKita for rendering assistance to Sabah and Sarawak. Mr. Myocho Kan in his speech has highlighted that myKITA has no ties with political concern and solely performing on the interest of the people as a professional body, especially in cases of justice concern.

JFS will recruit and welcome passionate Sabahan and Sarawakian to strengthen its organisation and ability to install true justice. Let’s all hope for a brighter future when justice is enhanced in Sabah and Sarawak.

Datuk Hiew King Cheu. JFS.

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