(See New Sarawak Tribune By Clement Erik Wong Date: June 7, 2022) If it was correct that the press statement came from Dr. Arnold Puyok, as appeared in the New Sarawak Tribune, I wish him as an academician, to read more widely about how colonies could gain independence by peaceful and legal means. Being an academician, Dr. Arnold should not try to instill fear on Sabahans and Sarawakians of their rights to seek freedom and independence.

The right to seek independence by peaceful and legal means is adopted in the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1514 on 14 December 1960 to allow colonies to declonise and no colonial master has a right to deny this right from colonies. There cannot be bloodshed if done by peaceful and legal means. There are many countries that gained independence without any bloodshed. These included India, Malaya and Singapore. The most recent one was Barbados which gained full independence on Tuesday 30 November, 2021 from the United Kingdom without any bloodshed in a ceremony attended by Prince Charles of the United Kingdom.

Under this United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1514, the UN Assembly declared that, “All peoples have the right to self-determination; by virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.” I hope members of the public including Dr. Arnold Puyok should be informed of this.

Be it known to Sarawakians, Parti Bumi Kenyalang is pursing independence for Sarawak by legal and peaceful means. We have a few strategies to follow in our quest of independence for Sarawak.

If you are a Sabahan or a Sarawakian, and you think Malaya is good for you, it is time that you pack your bag and leave for Malaya. National debts and the many financial scandals from the days of Hongkong–based Bumiputera Malaysia Finance (BMF) in 1980s to the recent 1MDB scandal were created by politicians and people in Malaya and it should be unthinkable that Sabahans and Sarawakians are also to shoulder these problems.

Be it known to all Sabahans and Sarawakians, the plan to hand over Sabah,Sarawak and Singapore was secretly planned by the British after World War II, to allow Malaya to re-colonized Sabah and Sarawak including Singapore.

The legality of the formation of Malaysia is doubted because legal experts opined that the federation was a fraud or illegally formed by a void Malaysia Agreement 1963. To know how the “coup” to annex Sabah and Sarawak by Tunku Abdul Rahman was planned, it is desirable to read the research work of Professor AJ Stockwell and also the work of Professor Michael Leigh and Ho Ah Chon.

It is an insult to the intelligence of Sabahans and Sarawakians if we say we don’t have capable people in Sabah and Sarawak to run a government of independent nations. Sabah and Sarawak have many capable people who now are in overseas and many expressed to hope to me to come back if Sabah and Sarawak are independent.

Malaya had in past five decades depended on Sabah and Sarawak for its survival and it is doubtful Malaya could survive economically without Sabah and Sarawak.The need to restructure the federation of Malaysia does not arise, unless Malaya agrees Sabah and Sarawak to control parliament and that Malaya gives 95% of whatever Malaya earns to Sabah and Sarawak and Sabah and Sarawak are not to help out any debt created by Malaya.


8 June, 2022

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