Many people had misunderstood what the local political parties intend to explore in past weeks in preparation for the coming General Elections. PBK is exploring the possibility of collaborating with local political parties with the hope to come with a workable plan to win seats in the elections.
People had misunderstood what amounts to "collaboration" and "alliance" in politics although these terms could be said interchangeable.
We want to explore no clash of seats where we are going to contest. Thus we are to ensure splitting of votes be kept to the minimum among local political parties.
We are to maximise chances of winning in seats we contest by collaborating with each other.
PBK will maintain its vision and mission to set Sarawak free and independent by legal and peaceful in the general elections.
PBK's stand had always been to respect the mission and political stand of other local political parties in fighting the elections. If there could be collaboration, we will help them in ways we think proper and workable to ensure they would win the seats they contested.
PBK also expects the same spirit be rendered to us by local political parties.
Despite differences of ideologues and in working for q collaboration with local political parties, PBK is confident that all local parties would be able to come to a common stand in coming general elections. That is, to protect and work for people's rights and the rights of Sarawak in this coming PRU15.
PBK sees the general elections is as important as the state elections.
PBK predicts in coming general elections, there will be no political party able to form the federal government alone. If this happens, this would lead to a hung parliament.
If there is a hung parliament those who wants to form the government will have to invite smaller parties to join them.
If there is a hung parliament and if PBK wins seats, PBK can become a kingmaker and to demand many things, including to dictate terms for Sarawak independence.
Voon Lee Shan
Parti Bumi Kenyalang
13 June 2022