Voon Lee Shan
It would be a waste of public fund to go to London for one week to do research and study references related to rights of Sabah under the Malaysia Agreement 1963(MA63). One week is too short to do any good research because we know the documents are voluminous.

The Sabah and federal governments could also refer to the work of professors AJ Stockwell and Michael Leigh who had spent years in their research about Malaysia Agreement 1963 and the formation of Malaysia.
From my research concerning MA63 and the formation of Malaysia, many documents could have been lost or destroyed and persons involved dead by now.
Sabah and federal governments should be minded of the Manila Accord signed on 31.7.1963 between the governments of the Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia. There are unfulfilled terms in the Manila Accord including to hold a referendum for the territories of Borneo before Malaysia should be formed but this was not done until today. This went against the United Nations General Assembly Resolutions 1514 and 1541, which gave peoples of Sabah and Sarawak an inalienable right for self-determination. Researchers opined that what was done at that time was against international law and Malaysia could not be legally formed in the first place.
There was also a claim by the Philippines over certain parts of Sabah, at least.
There is no point by Sabah and federal governments duplicating work done by GPS government of Sarawak some six years ago. What the federal and Sabah governments should do is to share information gathered by the GPS government. GPS government had spent public money and should not keep all things as secrets of what the GPS government had discovered in London.
Why should the GPS government kept things about what been found in London a secret. To keep what they got as secret means that the GPS government is aware that the Malaysia Agreement 1963 was a fraud or invalid and the federation of Malaysia was not properly constituted.
There is nothing secret because the United Kingdom government had declassified all these documents for public viewing.

Parti Bumi Kenyalang
15 June, 2022

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