DYMM Sultan Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar today called for fairer and better developments for Johor lest Johor be pushed to have to secede from the Federation.

This ‘plea’ for equal treatment and not be treated as an unwanted step child has been Sarawak and Sabah’s struggle (truly struggle) against Federal’s very unequal treatment of us in every aspect of our lives.

When PBK dared to talk about independence, the then PM Tun Mahatir, in answer to YB Alice Lau Kiong Yieng’s (Lanang-DAP) question in Parliament, gave a double edged sword response when he clearly stated that ‘the Sedition Act will only be utilised in cases where an act of sedition creates a situation that is beyond control and that it jeopardises security and public order.’

This is a veiled threat to Sarawakians who are awakening to their rights of independence.

Will the same veiled threat be made to DYMM Sultan Ibrahim who, like us, are merely reminding Federal to love the step child equally lest we are compelled to leave?

Nations are maturing around the world and so are Sarawakians.

Using the fear of sedition to hang over our heads is truly a back handed and demeaning approach to continue to keep us in poverty when Sarawak is one of the top contributors to Malaysia’s gross domestic product count.

Sarawakians are paying for a huge rise in cost of living with housing prices being the 3rd highest in the country whilst Sarawakians remain as one of the poorest of all Malaysians.

In a nutshell, Sarawak’s abundant wealth is more than enough to ensure that no Sarawakian has to be living in poverty without proper housing, water & electricity.

Our people are suffering and it is time to take our stand for our nation of Sarawak just like DYMM Sultan Ibrahim did for his beloved Johor.

Priscilla Lau
Secretary General

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