I am looking for friendly and righteous international lawyers and home grown legal experts on pro bono basis to look into MALAYSIA AGREEMENT 1963 (MA63) with the view to reclaim all lost rights of Sarawak after the federation of Malaysia was formed.

I am now stuck in my work due to complexities of legal issues surrounding MA63 and the making of Malaysia. I still hold to my belief that Malaysia Agreement is a fraud and an invalid agreement and Malaysia could not be formed under the Agreement.

I need help and with costs running high in managing matters concerning MA63. I don't know how far I can go to fight for Sarawak

I have personally filed suits to protect Sarawak rights in court in respect with legal practice in Sarawak too. Exclusive legal practice for Sarawakians or practitioners who have "Sarawak connection" and is a matter protected by the constitution but laws and rights are not permanent and could be removed easily by Legislature or through the court, if no one cares to protect such matter.

In the two cases against two retired top Judges in Malaysia before the court now the issue is about what amounts to "Sarawak connection"? It is a question of law for the federal Court to decide now.

The lower court have slapped me with huge costs recently in fighting the suits against lawyers outside Sarawak wanting to practise here and I am still fighting. I appeared with my team of lawyers just now 18 July 2022 before the federal Court and the matter is adjourned for further argument on 12 September 2022.

I am thankful for the few lawyers who stepped in to help me to protect Sarawak rights. They're truly brothers and true blue Sarawakians!

My next fear will be that Sarawak immigration rights could be removed soon if we are still sleeping or care not about it.

I have many other suits in mind and need all Sarawakians and Sabahans to work together to reclaim the lost rights. Sarawakians and Sabahans have lost their countries after MA63 was signed.

If there are lawyers willing to help, many suits in connection with Malaysia Agreement and formation of Malaysia could be filed in domestic court and in overseas. Like what the descendants of Sultan of Sulu have done, we can also, if we have the fund, look for domestic and foreign "friendly Arbitration Tribunal" to hear our case to give pressure to parties who have caused our lost and damage.

We need whatever help from all of you as Parti Bumi Kenyalang cannot fight alone.

I need to fight not only in court, but, I hope I can walk into Parliament or Legislature again with other PBK law and policy makers to whack those who are letting go our rights easily. PBK needs your support and please put us as MPs in parliament and YBs in Dewan Undangan Negri and I can assure you we shall be there to rock the chair of many traitors.

Voon Lee Shan
Parti Bumi Kenyalang

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