(Borneo Post - KUCHING - Sept 19): Parti Sarawak Bersatu (PSB) and Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) here today, which will see both parties working together in the next parliamentary election.

PBK secretary-general Priscilla Lau, in a press statement today, said the collaboration between PSB and PBK will be such that seats will be mutually allocated between the two parties so as to avoid contesting against each other and splitting of votes.

“PSB and PBK have heard the voters voices where multi-cornered fights leading to the splitting of votes are concerned.

“PSB and PBK are genuine local Sarawakian parties with no affiliation and/or connection to Malaya,” she added.

Lau said it is of utmost importance that Sarawak’s voice is heard in the Malaysian Parliament.

“(Therefore) As locally based parties, we are able to bring local issues to the federal arena and strenuously push our agendas through without fear and favour,” she added.

With the parliamentary election around the corner, Lau urged Sarawakians to stand with both parties and vote them into the federal government.
“A resounding win for PSB and PBK will be the start of Sarawak’s restoration of Sarawak,” she said.

Among those present during the MoU signing were PSB president Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh, PBK president Voon Lee Shan, PSB deputy president Dr Johnical Rayong Ngipa, PSB secretary-general Baru Bian and Lau.

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