Police Commissioner seemed to have conformed that a policeman was involved in the shooting of a soldier recently in Song during a hunting trip.

Police, military and District Office should learn a lesson from the death of a soldier who was said shot dead by hunters in the forest in Song on 23 September 2024 recently.

We should not allow such incidents to happen again.

The military should know that this is Sarawak and it is not uncommon for natives of Sarawak to go hunting even at night time. Hunting for animals or for food in the jungle is their way of life and hunting is their culture.

We could not stop natives and non native Sarawakians from hunting in the forests.

Forests is their natural habitat and it is for this reason, Sarawakians, especially, the natives had been aggressively protecting their forests and NCR Land from logging or their natural habitat from being destroyed.

If the army wants to do their operations exercise in the jungle of Sarawak, it is their obligation to let all Sarawakians know of the operations well ahead of the operations everyday in TVs and other social media. We're not sure whether this has been done.

Such information should not be only confined to areas where such exercise will take place.

The general public including the army and police also should be aware that natives and landowners have a right to protect their land including NCR land against unlawful trespass even by armed forces.

They have a right to common law or citizen arrest and also to use reasonable force to prevent trespassers into their land. This right to protect their property is in the law.

Armed forces who want to cross the NCR land and into the jungle to conduct their operations should at least inform the NCR land owners of their intention to do so. Written permission should be sought.

You cannot totally blame the hunters for the deaths of your own people caused by your silly mistake.

Parti Bumi Kenyalang
8th October 2024

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