Chong Chieng Jen had been talking a lot since past years about the oil and gas issues and made it a campaign promises under the Pakatan Harapan Elections Manifesto for 14th General Elections. In the manifesto it mentioned that on the promise of 20% oil and gas royalties and 50% of tax revenue for Sarawak, the Pakatan Harapan promised that the amount will be paid to the Sate Government even if PETRONAS cannot afford to pay the 20% royalty, the Federal Government will top up the amount of 20% royalty.
Where is this 20% royalty and the 50% Tax revenue for Sarawak that DAP and PKR in Pakatan Harapan had promised? What Chong Chieng Jen had done about this? His boss is none other than the Prime Minister Dato Sri Anwar Ibrahim and he should tell Prime Minister to repeal the PDA74 in parliament. Had he and DAP done so?
Based on the promise by Pakatan Harapan, what had the Sarawak Government done to reclaim this from Pakatan Harapan? Pakatan Harapan is party to the current federal government and should fulfil the elections promises and the Sarawak Government has a right to reclaim this.
Sarawak had lost her oil and gas revenues since the Petroleum Development Act 1975 (PDA74) been passed. In a year it is estimated that the oil wealth that Sarawak had lost was about over a hundred billion ringgit but during annual budget, always been given back less than five billion ringgit as Annual Development Fund.
Since DAP and PKR knew that problems of the loss of these oil and gas resources been left outstanding for long, but what had DAP and its political partner, PKR been doing in parliament. Had they moved any Motion in parliament to repeal the PDA74, Territorial Sea Act 2012 (TSA 2012) and the Continental Shelf Act 1966 (CSA 1966) so that all the marine wealth together with oil and gas resources could be returned to Sarawak.
Chong Chieng Jen had been a Deputy Minister but had he moved to repeal PDA 74? Impliedly with his inaction or inability to solve the problems, could not this be seen as a comprise of his and DAP's stand that oil should continue to be in the hands of PETRONAS?
BN/GPS was and is in the federal government. GPS and PH should work together to repeal PDA 74. Unless repealed talking in public cannot solve the problems but only for public information and political rhetoric only.
To put blame on BN/GPS will not solve the problem either. If any of the GPS party or SUPP leaders had put the blame on DAP this could not be correct too because they are part of the current MANDANI Government. Had any GPS and SUPP Member of Parliament (MPs) filed any Motion in parliament to repeal PDA74.
The stand of Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) is that we want all our marine wealth, sea territories, oil and gas resources be given back to Sarawak and Sabah.
Parti Bumi Kenyalang