KUCHING, Dec 24:A public talk on Sarawak Oil Mining Ordinance (OMO) and the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) has resolved that Sarawak has ownership of its oil, gas and other natural resources over its land and seabeds, including that under the Malaysian exclusive economic zone (EEZ). The talk’s organiser, Lina Soo, said the resolution was reached unanimously during the talk that was held in Miri on Saturday (Dec 22).

“Restoration of Sarawak’s dominion and sovereignty — political, cultural, social and economic rights, including and not limited to the legal exclusive ownership and property rights over Sarawak’s oil, gas and other natural resources found within its boundaries and territorial waters, seabeds and exclusive economic zone (EEZ) as adopted at the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea 1982,” said Soo in a statement yesterday.

She said the participants also declared that all actions in compliance with MA63 must be taken by Sarawak, as a nation-state. “We do hereby solemnly declare and ordain on this 22nd day of December that it is the people’s wishes that the Nation-State of Sarawak do undertake immediately legislative,administrative steps and other actions in compliance with the Malaysia Agreement 1963 to defend, protect and enforce our right and to secure Sarawakians’ political, cultural, social and economic rights and freedoms within the federation that have been compromised by the federal government of Malaysia through the various enactment of unconstitutional laws that have usurped and expropriated Sarawak’s dominion and sovereignty over its natural resources.”

The resolution and declaration passed at the talk was proposed by Soo and seconded by former Pujut assemblyman Fong Pau Teck. Soo, who is also State Reform Party (STAR) chief, said the purpose of the talk was also to record and protest the “systematic machinations of coercion, political manoeuvring, manipulation, and misrepresentations by the federal government” to the adverse disadvantage and disservice of Sarawakians.

Source: DayakDaily

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