KUCHING, Dec 27: The Sarawak government will build three bridges over Batang Lupar, Batang Rambungan and Batang Igan by itself now that the federal government said it has no money to build them. Works Minister Baru Bian announced in Mukah recently that these three projects had to be shelved due to financial constraints.

His announcement drew flaks from Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) elected representatives, who challenged him to fight for Sarawak as the state needed financial support to build up its infrastructure to improve connectivity. According to a reliable source, the Sarawak government will keep its promise to build those bridges that had been approved by the previous federal government but are shunned by the Pakatan Harapan-led federal government.

“The state government will continue those projects as promised in the state budget (2019) to improve rural connectivity. “The people needs’ are the priority of the Sarawak government. We will do it,” said the source. During Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg’s 2019 state budget speech on Nov 5, 2018, he said Sarawak would invest in more infrastructure projects such as roads, bridges and jetties to improve connectivity.

For this purpose, Abang Johari announced that RM1.105 billion had been set aside for their implementation. Abang Johari pointed out that the state would also build bridges over Muara Lassa in Mukah and over Kemena River in Bintulu. 

Source : By Lian Cheng DayakDaily

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