By Nancy Nais KUCHING, April 29:

Sarawak Association for Peoples’ Aspirations (Sapa) president Dominique Ng said if Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) is not a law, then it is not applicable nor binding on its components. Speaking at the ‘Should Sarawakians Support the Amendment to Federal Constitution Article 1(2) Bill as tabled on April 9, 2019, in light of the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63)?’ forum yesterday, Ng said according to Malayan constitutional law expert Datuk Dr Shad Saleem Faruqi, the MA63 is not a law. “If Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) is not a law, then what is Sarawak doing in Malaysia?” Ng asked.

Ng who is a former Padungan assemblyman and also an advocate and solicitor practising in Sarawak asserted that Malaysia should cease to exist if the MA63 had no legal force. He felt that Sarawakians had nothing to lose given that their home state was never treated fairly or as an equal partner since the formation of Malaysia. Ng, who was among the speakers at the event held at the Kuching Civic Centre yesterday claimed Sarawak has not been treated as an equal partner since the formation of Malaysia. “Sarawak should to be referred to as “negara” instead of “negeri” in the Bahasa Malaysia version of the proposed amendment to the Federal Constitution,” he said, adding that the two words meant different things. He pointed out that Sarawak once had her own coins (currency) and stamps. “Then what are we doing in Malaysia? We should ‘Sarexit’ and we can make it,” he said. Ng was also adamant that Sarawakians should not support the Amendment to Federal Constitution Article 1(2) Bill as tabled on April 9, 2019. The other speakers at the forum were Muara Tuang assemblyman Datuk Idris Buang, Padungan assemblyman Wong King Wei and veteran lawyer Shankar Ram. The forum was moderated by senior lawyer Arthur Lee.

Source— DayakDaily

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