This song is dear to all Sarawakian especially the oldies. This is the original version and there is a several "new" version which are unfamiliar to us and there is some changes to the music making it difficult to sing and sound not quite right.

Lena Lee of The Revivals keyboard back up "Sarawak National Anthem (1963)" at DYR celebrating Sarawak Independence Day function on 22nd July, 2015 at Roger's Place Song Thian Chiok Road, Kuching.

The following is the new version:

"Fair Land Sarawak" was the state anthem of Sarawak, alongside "God Save the King/Queen" from 1946 (post handover) until 1973, where it was replaced with a new anthem titled "Sarawak Bahagia". The lyricist was F.C. Ogden. The tune is from the previous "Gone Forth Beyond The Sea", but revised and arranged by George R. K. Freeth in 1963.

●▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩BAHASA MELAYU۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬●

"Fair Land Sarawak" ialah lagu kebangsaan negeri Sarawak, bersama "God Save The King/Queen" dari tahun 1946 (selepas penyerahan) sehingga tahun 1973, di mana ia telah digantikan dengan sebuah lagu baru bertajuk "Sarawak Bahagia". Penulis liriknya ialah F.C. Ogden. Lagu ini adalah dari sebelumnya "Gone Forth Beyond the Sea", tetapi disemak semula dan diatur oleh George R. K. Freeth pada tahun 1963.


The Following is the karaoke version:

Sarawak State Anthem (1946 - 1973) - "Fair Land Sarawak" Instrumental

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