Fair Land Sarawak  

Lyrics F. C. Ogden   Music George R. K. Freeth   Adopted 1946   Relinquished 31 August 1973

"Fair Land Sarawak" was the state anthem of Sarawak, alongside "God Save the King/Queen" from 1946 (post handover) until 1973, where it was replaced with a new anthem titled "Sarawak Bahagia".


Fair Land Sarawak
We will never cease to honour thee
and with our loyal sons
Defend your liberty
From your high forest hills,
Down to the open sea
May freedom ever reign
Men live in unity
Proudly our Flag flies high
above our Country strong and free
Long may our People live
in peace and harmony

A Iban version of the national anthem is said to have been composed by Abang Ujai:

Pemanah Sarawak kami selalu meri puji
Nyaga pengelantang menua anak kami
Ari bukit, kampung ngagai tasik nyadi
Pemaik meruan, kami begempung ati
Tinggi menira bediri diatas menua kami
Gayu mensia diau likun enggau rami

The following is a literal translation of the lyrics in Malay:

Sarawak Tanah Airku
Engkau akan kami sanjung
Dengan anakmu yang setia
Akan kami berjuang
Dari bukit-bukau
Hingga ke laut samudera
Semoga terus aman sentosa
Hidup dengan bersatu padu
Berkibarlah oh benderaku
Di negaraku terus teguh dan bebas
Semoga rakyat hidup bersama
Dalam aman dan harmoni

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