马兹里的任命和辞职是一项精心计划的战略,旨在将Jawi和伊斯兰化引入教育体系。The appointment and resignation of Mazlee was a well planned strategy to introduce jawi and islamization into the education system.

在介绍了KAT Jawi之后,Mazlee的工作就完成了。他的任务已经完成,他必须辞职。新任教育部长将表示,他无法撤消这项政策,因为学生已经开始上课,并且首先内阁已经同意实施.

甚至有人猜测:马兹里的辞职并不是由于Jawi和伊斯兰化的影响。这是TM计划的。但是他不服从内阁的裁决。他打扰了TM好朋友的YTL公司。 TM特意指示马兹利(Mazlee)强加Jawi,以专业摆脱他。这就是所谓的沉默的杀手

After KAT jawi has been introduced, Mazlee's job done. His mission is accomplished and he has to resign. A new education minister will say he could not withdraw this policy because students have already started their lessons and in the first place cabinet has agreed to the implementation

Some even speculated: Mazlee's resignation was not due to jawi and islamization impact. This was planned by TM. But he disobeyed cabinet's ruling. He disturbed TM man YTL biz. TM purposely instructed Mazlee to impose jawi as a way to get rid of him professionally. This is what you called it a silent killer

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