PH Sarawak YB said only after they become Sarawak government they could restore Sarawak equal partnership status and such statement is obviously for Sarawak people to buy their idea and eventually grant them their dream comes true.

But would Sarawak people stupid enough to believe another empty promise when 2018 09 May election promises written in back and white into PH manifesto had turned sour and discarded as "election promises are not Bible"? Definitely Sarawak people will view such new promise comically nothing but another "promise is not Bible".

If PH Sarawak is sincere in restoring equal partnership status with Federation of Malaya and Sabah, since they are in position and power as Federal government, just relocate 148 (74 x 2)Parliament seats to Sabah and Sarawak to show your sincerity in delivering equal partnership status promise. Most important of all is for Malaya federal government now under PH to declare both Petroleum Development Act 1974 and Territorial Seas Act 2012 null and void to show their sincerity in returning equal partnership status to both Sabah and Sarawak. 

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