The latest political development in Malaysia all boiled down to political differences in PH and may be to certain extent owing to “generation gap” of young and old political leaders of different political party’s leaders.Or may be just simply Dr. M dislikes collective decision making hence wanting to have free hand in decision making with his personal touch?

Some commented that resignation of Dr. M as Prime Minister and as Party Primbumi Bersatu Malaysia president is not an indication of him quitting politics all together. He is doing it to destroy the existing political game rules and setting up his new political game rules in favor of his interests. He still keeps his Langkawi political status seems to confirm such speculation.

One thing for sure is with his resignation as Prime Minister and President of Party Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia, Pakatan Harapan is considered disintegrated. Based on traditional Malaysia practice Deputy Prime Minister might not be called to be the acting Prime Minister depending on who or which political party holds the majority representatives in parliament.

Such uncertain political situation in Malaysia has caused KLSE to dip today. Until now Dr. M has not stated his stand and made his views clear personally indicating he might not have the number to form a new government yet through backdoor (reverse takeover?) effort by teaming his political party and supporters from PH with opposition (political enemies) which has been “branded” by Pakatan Harapan as most corrupted political alliance (referring to 1MDB issue); such immoral alliance to destroy Pakatan Harapan and forming new government through backdoor might not get acceptance from rakyat.

However, Sarawak GPS leaders are too quick to choose side flew over to give support to Dr. M to continue to be Malaysia Prime Minister. After knowing Dr. M new game plan might not materialize so soon return empty handed. Sarawak GPS leaders immature act has invited criticism from Sarawak people with unkind comment: “GPS leaders showing their true color of loyalty to Malaya leaders instead of Sarawak people”.

From the record of Dr. M previous political game played, we would expect more strategy to be revealed soon before reclaiming his Prime Minister throne under his new set of political game rules.

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