( Focus Malaysia - 2 April 2020)
PUTRAJAYA: The number of patients who have recovered from the Covid-19 infection in Malaysia increased again today with 122 patients being discharged.

Health director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said this brought the total number of recovered cases to 767 or 24.6% of the total cases.

The number of patients who recover has been increasing each day throughout the week, he noted.

Earlier today, Dr Noor Hisham said another 208 new Covid-19 cases were recorded in the country as at noon, bringing cumulative cases to 3,116, while five more deaths were reported.

The death toll was now at 50, or 1.6% of the total number of cases.

He said 105 patients were being treated in the Intensive Care Units with 54 requiring the aid of ventilators.

Dr Noor Hisham said the 46th death (case 2,909) was a 37-year-old Malaysian man with a history of chronic illnesses and low immunity.

“He was treated at the Sultanah Aminah Hospital in Johor on March 28 and died at 11.10 pm on March 31,” he added.

The 47th fatality (case 2,910) involved a 78-year-old Malaysian man with a history of high blood pressure and gout. He was treated at the Hospital Pakar Sultanah Fatimah, Johor, on March 17 and died at 7.10 pm on March 29.

Dr Noor Hisham said the 48th death (case 2,572) was a Malaysian man, aged 85, with a background of heart problems, diabetes and high blood pressure.

“He was treated at the Enche’ Besar Hajjah Khalsom Hospital in Johor on March 29 and died at 8.01 am on April 2,” he said.

The 49th fatality (case 1,273), meanwhile, involved a 61-year-old Malaysian man who had close contact with case 2,107.

“He was treated at the Sarawak General Hospital on March 20 and died at 8.36 pm on April 1,” he said.

Dr Noor Hisham said the 50th death was a 69-year-old Malaysian man who was treated at the Tuanku Ja’afar Hospital in Negeri Sembilan on March 22. He died today at 2.20 pm. – April 2, 2020, Bernama

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