All YBS in Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) took oath to protect the Sarawak Constitution and by their oath, they are to protect the constitution and by protecting the constitution means they should not let outsiders to interfere with what is in the constitution.

This right belongs to Sarawak. YBs in DUN were entrusted by citizens of Sarawak to protect it.

As YBs you all should know the constitution is the soul of democracy in our land and if you don't protect it, democracy will be dead in this country.

The life of DUN is mentioned by Sarawak Constitution and is entrenched in Article 21(3) and YBs being trustees of the constitution should not allow outsiders to dictate the life of our DUN.

At the same time, your term of office has to automatically expire when the life of DUN expires.

By continuing to enjoy all privileges of YBs when you should not by now receive them, you can lead to the demise of democracy in this land.

It is your oath as YBs to protect our constitution and you had failed Sarawak and ought to be punished by Sarawakians in coming elections.

By what is going on at the moment would set a very dangerous precedent that could allow or could encourage outsiders and non Sarawakians to interfere with the affairs of Sarawak.

If we allow others to interfere with our own constitution, this shows our YBs agree or acknowledge that our own constitution is useless. It also shows that our constitution could not withstand the test of time in any crisis and need to import outside help to resolve these crisis.

By clinging to your office and by continuing to enjoy your salaries, allowances and privileges showed that you don't respect democracy and don't respect the constitution and people who voted you.

I had pleaded to all you to decline to receive your salaries and allowances but none of all 81 of you in DUN responded to my request.

From response I got, all of you have lost the trust of people who elected you. If there are loopholes in the constitution, it is your solemn duty to cover the loopholes by amending the constitution.

You all should be aware by not able to protect our own rights, we have lost besides our territorial waters, our marine wealth, oil and gas resources.

I regret and is sad, you do not know what sanctity of the Constitution is all about.

One of it, you must prove to the world that our own Constitution has its own LIFE and breathing system, and not life breathing with the help of others. The life of our constitution is evolving and capable of addressing anything over the savage of time, including addressing Covid-19 pandemic and election situations in Sarawak.

As at one time, a member of the August House, I am shameful of what had been done by you.
You all have to apologise to Sarawakian public for your silence and for what is going on now.

Voon Lee Shan
Parti Bumi Kenyalang

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