Sarawak CM Abang Zohari Tun Openg and GPS government should use the weak position of PM to force the federal government to return all our territories, territorial waters, oil and gas resources which Sarawak had lost through a series of Acts passed by Parliament. It is not difficult for these resources to be returned back to Sarawak. It could be done by Parliament revoking the necessary laws.

GPS government should also use the weak position of PN government to force the return of land alienated in Sarawak to the federal government that is left idle or undeveloped by the federal government.

Lands that had been taken or alienated to the federal government in the past included land of nurses quarters opposite Sarawak General Hospital at Jalan Tun Openg, land of former ammunition camp near Saradise, Sibu Lau King Howe Hospital and a big piece of land near Rambungan called Bazaar 2020. If these lands had not been returned, its time to take them back rather than to leave them as eyesores.

Our Sarawak GPS government should withdraw its support from PN government in the confidence vote in coming September in Parliament
should PN government don't agree to this.

If GPS government fails in its bid, refuses or neglects to seek the return of our land, lost territory and resources, I urge Sarawakians to arise and vote out GPS government in the coming Sarawak Elections. None of the Cabinet ministers should be returned to the August House if GPS government could not get these resources.

Petronas had been pumping 850,000 barrels of our crude oil everyday and Sarawak had lost lots of her wealth to Petronas and the federal government.

According to de facto law minister, Datuk Sharifah Hasidah Sayeed Aman Ghazali, Petronas had been mining
gas in Sarawak from 1976 to 2017 and had earned a total revenue of about RM660 billion, but only RM33 billion was returned to Sarawak - please see 2 February 2020 The Sun Daily).

Is Petronas still owing Sarawak what Petronas owed to Sarawak? Sarawakians have a right to know but I could not until now find any clarification of this from GPS government.

Without the return of these resources, it would be difficult to see Sarawak as a develop state by 2030.

Voon Lee Shan
Parti Bumi Kenyalang 6 August 2021

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