The de facto Law Minister, Datuk Seri Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaffar being a lawyer should be aware that fundamental breaches of the MA63 (if initially valid) had caused the Treaty to collapse, void or invalid beyond repair. He should also understand that the Treaty is null and void or invalid when the Treaty was signed because Sarawak, Sabah and Singapore had no legal capacities to enter the Treaty with United Kingdom and Malaya to form Malaysia.
There is nothing to reinstate any terms in the Treaty and the task of the Datuk Seri Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaffar is to informed Parliament that MA63 is indeed invalid and should be revoked.
At the same time, Datuk Seri Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaffar should if he is truly a Sarawakian, move in parliament to revoke the Petroleum Development Act 1974, the Continental Shelf Act 1966, Petroleum Mining Act 1966 and Territorial Sea Act 2012 so that rights that belonged to Sarawak and Sabah could be returned and preserved.
These Acts passed by parliament had affected Sarawak’s rights. These Acts had allowed the taking of Sarawak’s oil and gas resources by Petronas and must be viewed as illegal and unconstitutional. By these Acts as passed by the federal parliament Sarawak had lost her wealth in billions of ringgit each year, leaving Sarawak as a “beggar” and treated as a “step-son” by the federal government.
At the same time, the de facto Law Minister has an obligation to ensure that the proposed bill on the control and restriction of the development of non-muslims religions as announced by the Deputy Minister in charge of Islamic Affairs, Ahmad Marzuki Shaary recently be blocked and not be tabled in parliament.
The Deputy Minister is encroaching into treacherous water that can spark racial and religious riots among muslims and non-muslims in Malaysia and in Borneo. We need to understand that Borneo has a very large non-muslim population and many Borneo people are in Malaya too.
The controversies surrounding the making of MA63 and formation of Malaysia had been a torn in the relationship between Sarawak, Sabah with Malaya for the past 58 years and had never been settled. Sarawakians and Sabahans are increasing in numbers looking forward to break off from the federation of Malaysia in soonest possible because they already know the truth that the Sarawak and Sabah were a gift to enlarge the territories of Malaya.
This made the present generations of Sarawakians and Sabahans unthinkable if Sarawak and Sabah are not colonies of Malaya.
The solution to solve all problems surrounding MA63 is none other, but, for Sarawak and Sabah to seek exit from the federation of Malaysia in peaceful ways like what Singapore had done in 1965.
President, Parti Bumi Kenyalang
10 September, 2021