It was never the intention of the party to marginalize or to sideline any potential candidates to stand for elections. Those who left the party were either impatient to be confirmed as candidates or had their own personal agenda or were just interested to create instability in the party.

They all left to join other political parties and had persuaded other potential candidates and party leaders to leave the party, but those who had been persuaded with pleasantries or “sweets” to be turncoats or to be political frogs, refused to follow them. Some of them who left had never been considered as potential candidates, but they claimed themselves as one.

So far, the party had not named any candidate for the elections, not even the president of the party. Although many leaders had been named as potential candidates, the president and some top leaders of the party had not been even named yet as potential candidates by the party for the coming Sarawak elections.

Early this month a few potential candidates led by Kenneth Adan Silek, Joseph J. Bunsuan and Robert Saweng also left the party. It was not a surprise to us because party could not agree with them of their struggles which was not based on party constitution. Party has no provision in party constitution for two party Presidents with an unelected president or chairman in the party, which is something unheared of in any organization or political party.
Party also no provision in its constitution for racialism or to make the party a Dayak party.

Party regrets that those who left the party had not realized that the founders of the party had sacrificed their liberty and put their lives on line to promote freedom and independence for Sarawak against imperialism and colonialism of Malaya.

Be informed, Parti Bumi Kenyalang has capable replacements in all constituencies that had been earmarked to be contested by those who left the party. All these constituencies referred to are Gedong, Repok, Pakan, Ngemah, Dudong, Bukit Goram, Murum, Belaga and Batu Danau. All been filed by now with new potential candidates.

We have professionals and people with good public standing replacing them, who among them are a professor, a doctor and two who holds masters’ degree.

With a team of highly qualified professionals and people of good public standing, Parti Bumi Kenyalang, is confident that the party will be able to capture the Sarawak government in the coming Sarawak Elections.
God bless Parti Bumi

Kenyalang, God bless Sarawak.

Parti Bumi Kenyalang, 14 September 2021

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