Parti Bumi Kenyalang first coffee shop talk was successfully held on 4th July 2019 (Thursday 7:00pm) at 101 Coffee Shop (Behind Medan Mall), 13 Ground Floor, Lrg Wong King Huo 5, Sibu on topic "SARAWAK WHAT NEXT". The topic is of great concern to Sarawak people and Parti Bumi Kenyalang invited public to attend the Coffee Talk to find out more on Parti Bumi Kenyalang's mission as well as "What Sarawak people should do next". This first talk topics were delivered in Chinese, Foochow and Hockien. Next talk will be done in English, Chinese and Iban for benefit of different races in Sarawak. Below is the full video of the talk on 4 Jul 2019.
肯雅兰全民党第一次咖啡店谈话于2019年7月4日(星期四晚上7点)位于诗巫Lrg Wong King Huo 5楼13楼咖啡店(Medan Mall后面)成功举行,,主题为“砂拉越下一步怎么走”。砂拉越人民非常关注这个话题,肯雅兰全民党邀请公众参加咖啡店谈话,了解更多关于肯雅兰全民党的使命以及“砂拉越人应该做什么”。第一个谈话主题是用华语,福州话和福建话进行的。接下来的讲座将以英语,华语和Iban语进行,以帮助砂拉越的不同种族明白座谈会内容。以下是2019年7月4日演讲的完整视频。