Ministry of Education priority should be students of Malaysia not adult of Nepal. If there is a need to know BM than write it into work permit and let private companies set up schools in Nepal to do the job. Why Education Minister wants to use tax payer money to do charity work? What more "charity should start at home first"?

Is our Minister of Education uncertain of his jobs and duties? Or he is just disorientated somehow?

The so called removing streaming system for secondary schools according to certain teacher is in fact the same system of previous government which is depending on each school available facilities and relevant teachers therefore the idea of students choosing subject interested is nothing but a lot of hot air. This is purely rebranding old education system without any obvious improvement.

To improve Malaysia education system one could look into the success examples of overseas countries like Switzerland. And the most important of all is to remove racist policies and be race-blinded and only focus on how to produce technocrats for industrial revolution in Malaysia instead of producing more religious fanatic.

An education system which is not geared towards industry requirements and needs will inevitably fail badly producing graduates not employable in local markets.

It is time to revamp Malaysia education system into a system based on merit and not based on 'divide and rule' racist policies. Only then a nation resources are put into good use and real development and progress will follow.


Maszlee proposes to set up a Bahasa Melayu school for Nepalese workers
{Malaysia World News - By Norila Daud on November 23, 2019)
KUALA LUMPUR: Education Minister, Maszlee Malik’s proposal to set up a Malaysian language institution in the South Asian Nation to teach Bahasa Melayu (BM) to the Nepalese has made Nepal to have plans to introduce the language as an elective subject in schools.

The plan to introduce BM in its schools is to equip students with communication skills in the professional setting in Malaysia.

Nepalese Education, Science and Technology Minister Giriraj Mani Pokharel said, the matter was discussed with Maszlee Malik when they had a bilateral meeting recently.
However Giriraj said the matter needs further discussion with Nepalese Cabinet and relevant authorities.

Relating to the issue, Maszlee whom Bernama met at the World Innovative Summit for Education 2019 held in Doha, Qatar on 19 to 21 November said the teaching of BM is useful as there are currently 357,000 Nepalese working in Malaysia in the security, manufacturing and hospitality sectors.

“Teaching BM and setting up institutions would be useful when Nepalese seek employment in Malaysia as they would be able to communicate fluently and boost their career,” said Maszlee.

The two leaders was said to have discussed on enhancing and improving Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) studies in Nepal.

“The Nepalese minister was impressed with our German Dual Training System for TVET and for them, it would be useful.

“This is because Nepal wants to produce skilful Nepalese workers to work abroad with better pay and equipped with TVET certification,” he said.

In another development, Maszlee said Nepal was also looking for opportunities to send their students to pursue post-graduate studies in Malaysia, and to collaborate with Malaysian universities.

Maszlee was also invited to visit Nepal in conjunction with the Visit Nepal 2020, and to attend the Artificial Intelligence Conference in Kathmandu next year.-Malaysia World News (MWN)

Source: Malaysia World News


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