*Disunited the Dayak especially Iban*Taib and Dr. M encourage Chinese to help Dayak to form a lot of Dayak Party. Those Chinese will give certain logging industry or other benefit to cater the Dayak party for instant Datuk James Wong and Datuk Ng.
In early 1980s PBDS and SNAP split the Dayak cos the Dayak disunited until now.

Dr.M pretend to support Leo Moggie and Taib pretend to support Jabu. In late 1980s Rahman and Taib pretend to fight each other to split the Dayak cos PBS in Sabah was very strong influent Dayak to govern the Sarawak State.

*Any agendas to unite the Dayak in Borneo shall be rejected.*



*say No to BNGPS*

*Disunited the Dayak especially Iban*

Taib and Dr. M encourage Chinese to help Dayak to form a lot of Dayak Party. Those Chinese will give certain logging industry or other benefit to cater the Dayak party for instant Datuk James Wong and Datuk Ng.

In early 1980s PBDS and SNAP split the Dayak cos the Dayak disunited until now. Dr.M pretend to support Leo Moggie and Taib pretend to support Jabu.

In late 1980s Rahman and Taib pretend to fight each other to split the Dayak cos PBS in Sabah was very strong influent Dayak to govern the Sarawak State.

*Any agendas to unite the Dayak in Borneo shall be rejected.*

The formation of Bidayuh, Iban, Orang Ulu association manipulated by BN Dayak. Najib give 40Millions to Dayak Bidayuh Association but neglect the Iban and Orang Ulu.

In Batang Ai, BN try to use Nyalau (Jawa cousion) against Jawa. Nyalau give good Ampau.• Dayakbaru, brokenshield, Malaysia and other blogger disturb by BN.

No unity amongst the Dayak is high price for Taib & Dr.M cos nobody can disturb them govern the Dayak and discriminate the Dayak as well take the Dayak Right.• 

Datuk James Wong and Datuk Ng advise not to make Dayak millionaires or cooperate man cos, those group may sponsor the Dayak against the Taib & Dr.M.

During PBDS and SNAP or Taib-Rahman fight several Dayak Longhouse splitted and several family broke down due to Husband and wife argue about support Taib or Rahman. See how stupid we are. Now we shall stop it and fight our splitter.

*Disrupt the Dayak influences in Sarawak.*
Iban language as a state official language in late 1960s has been demolished by Taib and support by Dr. M.

Dayak weapon has been taken without justice.• Iban in Border Scout has been demolished in 1990s by Taib & support by Dr. M.• 

The Government Official form changed and demolish the word Dayak in race column and put Dayak into other races. This makes Dayak become stateless in their mother country and slowly makes the Dayak disappeared in Sarawak. This idea from Taib and support by bn umnoputra.• 

All Iban novel (Ensera/cherita Iban) including Nendak was destroyed by Dewan Bahasa Dan Pustaka after DBP take over the Borneo Letter Lecture Bureou. Taib & Dr. M advise them to do so.• 

After Tun Rahman Yakup take over Chief Minister from Datuk Tawie Seli, Iban language was not being used in ADUN Meeting in Kuching.

In 1965, Datuk Kalong was forced to step down from Chief Minister of Sarawak by Federal Government to disrupt Iban influent in Sarawak before appointed non popular Datuk Tawie Seli as CM.• Datuk Tawie was appointed as CM in order to make step for Melanau government Sarawak until now.• 

Datuk Endawie seem to be strong to take the Iban influent then send to New Zealand to cut the Iban influent in Sarawak. Datuk Daniel appeared to replace Datuk Endawie also send to New Zealand with the same purpose. This idea from Taib and supported by Dr.M.• 

Tan Sri Jabu keep in DCM office to make propaganda to Iban leader but all his activity & power limited to Betong area only, no to Nation Building, No to Dayak Common Right, No to Cooperate or Multi Millionaire level. Taib & Dr.M makes this idea.• 

High post handle by Dayak previously such as State Secretary, Chief of Education in Sarawak, Education Minister in Federal, Chief of Personnel in Sarawak Shell, MDS Bintulu and Petronas replace with Non-Dayak.

Government Servance from Dayak reduce from 50% to 20% now, some taken from West Malaysia until Teacher in rural area where 100% Iban also taken by West Malaysia for instant at Nanga Delok Primary School out of 10 teachers 3 are Muslim Malaya.• 

*Least Dayak influent means more Melanau influent in Sarawak.*

Eventhough more teacher from Malaya serve in rural 100% Iban area, the quality of teaching and the number of Iban rural area pass their examination are declined.• 

The number of robbery, insulting, killing on Dayak are increase sign Taib& Dr.M import police from Malaya.• Why Taib still keep *import orang Malaya working in Sarawak* eventhough the statistic show it become worst to Dayak?• But from blogger the Dayak arise, thanks for computer and IT industial.

Disrupt the Dayak believe and faith in Pagan and Christian and influent them to convert to Muslim.• RTM Sarawak demolished to prevent Iban news air independently from Federal News.• Yearly, Teenages from rural area send to dominant Muslim School in west Malaysia to influent them become Muslim.• 

*Study of Tamadun Islam is compulsory to pass in higher Institution like UiTM.*  Here Dayak teach of the bad of Christian and good of Islam.• The word ‘Allah” stop to use in Iban Bibble, Iban race stop from Governemnt Format, Iban Nendak Stop from Bahasa Dan Pustaka, Iban Language Stop in Sarawak ADUN Meeting, Iban NCR stop to be Iban owner, Iban stop to form Border Scout, Iban stop to keep Senapang Patah, Iban stop to build Rumah Dayak and one day the will stop to stay in Sarawak.*

Only here Taib & Mahathir not happy cos Dayak still very strong in Christianity.• Dayak can get assistant very easily from outside country to support us morally, financially even in military.• 

In religion Taib & Dr.M considered themself failed due to more Dayak convert from Pagan into Christian than Dayak covert from Pagan to Muslim. Thanks God on this.

*Prevent the Dayak increase the number of Voter.*

Any Dayak without IC or Birth Cert are not eligible to register to vote. More than 100,000 Dayaks without IC or Surat Peranak or cannot apply the IC, being stop by Taib&Dr.M from registering.• More than 100,000 Indonesian mostly Bugis were registered as Sarawak Citizen in Miri, Palm Oil Plantation during Taib and Dr.M regime.• Until now the JPN under BN instruction still tighten their file to reject Dayak application from applying IC & Birth Certificates.• With this agendas Taib and Mohathir can reduce the number of Dayak especially Iban from voting and increase the Muslim voters in Sarawak. Then the Muslim & Melanau Dynasty can mahajarela in Sarawak

*Prevent the Dayak constituency from increase the area.*

The strong Iban opposition area like Bukit Bangunan and Simanggang change the map for ADUN.• ADUN for Iban unchanged but ADUN for Melanau increase.• Urbanization to settle the Iban immigrant from village to town is being manipulated by Taib and support by Dr.M as well Chinese Town Communities. 

Their housing estate splitted to avoid Dayak become majority in one area.• Least Dayak ADUN area means least the number of Dayak YB to make the Melanau majority set.

*Grip the Dayak Land, forest and river*

To take the Dayak forest by logging Industry, take Dayak River by HEP Dam project and change the NCR to state land are in process.• Survey the Dayak land and give the land title are purposely delay by Taib & support by Dr.M. in order to give change for Taib and Dr.M grip the land with injustice and low price. HEP Batang Ai compensate with 150.00 Ringgit one acres, the cheapest land in the world. Upper River of Batang Ai converted to National Park without compensate to the local. Wong Kasai plan to make DAM without consult the local properly and ignore the local right.

One of the University Malaya paper work on Rejang Logging Industry in 1980s read that 27 licenses were issues, 2 were belong to Linggi and the rest belong to Tun Rahman and his family. Even Datuk Yahya Lampong from Sabah got one.• 

There is no opportunity at all for the Dayak to get mega business in Sarawak Shell and Petronas. 200USD Millions monthly income from SSB & Petronas in Sarawak is nothing helping the Dayak. 90% of this money goes to BN pocket.• 

Rumah Dayak in Kuching, Sibu, Miri has been demolished.• Rumah sakai in Miri suppost to help the Dayak people sell by Taib.• Pendam Temuai and tanah sakai belong to Dayak at Canada Hill in Miri has been sell to Chinese by BN.• All the Dayak people stay in Canada Hill and Pujut corner in Miri force to move without proper compensation but Chinese Hut still exist there until now.• 

All the Dayak stay at Kampong SESCO in Bintulu considered Haram and not provide with water, road, electricity, tel line and help from the local authority, but the Indonesian immigrant in Batu Niah give all privileges.• 

Sarawak Shell land and productive land along Miri town was taken by Taib& Dr.M government and sell to Samling, George Chan & Taib crony.• 

*The last Taib & Dr.M target is dayak Land. Once the Dayak lost their Land. NCR title lost means the Dayak will lost everything.*

Prevent the Dayak from attend the high study with good course.• During Sarawak joining Malaysia, Malaya welcome Dayak with their priority go to higher learning. That’s mean percentage of Dayak intake to higher learning shall be higher than other races in term of racio. But only o.1 % of Dayak are allowed to go to higher learning compare to Dayak racio in Malaysia is 1%.

Dayak student only given non productive courses such as IT, Business Studies and Agriculture.• To take law, political Sciences, Doctor, Engineering are very restricted to Dayak.• In UiTM the Dayak are force to take tamadun islam and shall be passed the subject or they graduate without certificates.• Taib and Dr.M believe that less Dayak go to higher learning mean less Dayak will educated and less trouble to their administration and more change for them to government more longer or take Dayak Right more easier.• 

More than 30years Taib & Dr.M discriminate the Dayak on education.

Prevent the aggressive Dayak from Handling high post in government and organize activity complaint about Dayak Discrimination.

Any Dayak people talk about Dayak right will be put into black listed, cut their privileges, even put into ISA. Datuk Daniel, Jawa Gerang, Datuk Endawie all of them being drop from government. Dr. John Brian is under observation.• Only Mr. Yes elected to joint the Taib and Dr.M government, those include Jabu, James Jemut, William Mawan, Nyalau, Linang and Musim in Batang Ai and their boss Leo Moggie.• 

Taib & Dr.M afraid that aggressive Dayak will makes it open of the Dayak discrimination to the UN. By then UN nation will come and pay attention to Dayak problem.• With Mr Yes in government they can take Dayak Rights.• Taib & Dr.M makes use of Mr. Years to accounter the complaint from outside regarding their cruelty toward Dayak.

*Limit the implementation of development to Dayak.*

Only low class road, water supply and electricity are allowed by Taib & Dr.M developed in Dayak area.• 

In Lubok Antu, after HEP Batang Ai completed, the rocky road without drain, no road light still exist after 30 years. No telephone line, no television network, no mobile line, no quality school, no quality hospital and no quality administrative office or town.• Where they are majority of Dayak for instant Nanga Gat, Balleh Kapit, the Kedai Runcit licience given to Chinese.• 90% of land in urban area own by Chinese, 99% shoplot in the town in the whole Sarawak give to Chinese.• 

No MARA building or facility like in Malaya set up in Sarawak to give a chance to Dayak small business improve their business.• 

Dayak spend more than 100millions a year for high petrol consumption to rural area due to no road.• 

No development to Dayak- means to Taib and Dr.M is good chance for them to keep Iban being poor and easy to control or govern.• 

Poor development in Dayak area means give hard life to Dayak even killing some off them and this is very good idea for Taib&Dr.M of their agendas. More Dayak die means like opposition to Taib& Dr.M.• 

A few months before the social economy census, Taib & Dr.M, increase the price of Getah and Lada in Sarawak to make the Iban pocket temporarily full, so that during the census the Dayak social economy is better than other races to give good report to UN and give less budget to help Dayak. A week after the census the price of Getah and Lada dropped to normal.

*Stop the Dayak from become cooperate man or millionaires.*

10% discount for buying government property to Malay in Malaya is being hide to Dayak.• Billions of ringgits of Federal Budget to help the Malay to be cooperate man in Malaya are prohibited to Dayak people.• 

The MARA development in Malaya purposely stop implemented in Sarawak to protect Dayak from become business man.• Newspaper point out that 30% of Federal and state project to Taib pocket. Any project in Sarawak without tender and double price of the normal project. Dayak avoid to grip this opportunity or other wise they become millionaires.• 

Most of the Sarawak Shell and Petronas or other oil and Gas company mega project given to Orang Malaya or Taib Keluarga. Dayak prevent to get it.• The programme to support and establish Dayak to be cooperate elegy to Taib and Dr.M.• 

No Dayak cooperate means no Dayak millionaires and no Dayak to sponsor the anti-Melanau Dynasty or fight the Dayak Right.

Closed their eye or take least attention to the Dayak complain regarding their injustice, robbery by others, kill by others, accident, health care and other social problems.• 

In Serian Hospital, more than 100 Iban died in the hospital due to from 1980-2005 cause of least attention by Hospital Staff. Some only daily visit to the said hospital and died when arrive back at home.

Taib government least attention hearing that gangster attack the Rumah Panjang in Niah, Miri. No police action taken to the gangsters.

Social problem in Johore makes Taib & Dr.M Ketawa cos more Dayak will be poor and social problem increase.• Express boat accident in Batang Rajang closed by Taib government without further investigation for justice. Road to Kapit purposely delay to make this accident occurred again and again and kill more dayak as well give Chinese Express Boat Operator to earn money from Dayak. Majority of the boat user are Dayak.• 

Labor law of Sarawak still use Brooke Labor Law. Taib and Chinese refuse to update it cause most of the workers are Dayak and the Company are Chinese and Taib group. By this, Chinese and support by Taib and Dr.M can misuse the Dayak as their slave labourer. Low pay, no agreement, no accident compensation and no other labour right state by UN.

*Dayak spend about 60 Millions in alcohol,* smoking and gambling a year, this money benefit the Chinese business, no concrete programme from Taib & Dr.M to solve these problems.• Several hundreds of Dayak die cos of social problem every year.• 

Dayak rape, become prostitute, broken family due to social problem never take serious attention by Taib & Dr.M Government.• More problem on Dayak social life more happy Taib and Dr.M are cos more Dayak poor and easy to government. More Dayak die means less opposition to Taib & Dr.M.

*Prevent the problem of Dayak or cruelty of BN acknowledge by UN*

*Blogger is great enemy of Taib and Dr.M cos it will expose their cruelty to Dayak*

The worst of all for Taib and Dr.M is, if the Dayak organize a team in Oversea and one in Sarawak, Sabah and Malaya to expose these discriminations to the outside world to get the attention of UN.• This is the worst for Taib and Dr.M. They really protect any foreigner to know their cruelty and discrimination toward Dayak. Anybody expose these issues to UN or other country will be taken under ISA.

*Daftar undi kitai dayak,  nurun ngundi leboh maya prn12*

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