Related image  Voon Lee Shan 

If PH forms the state government, there could be a possibility for PH to amend the Sarawak Land Code and to streamline this Sarawak Land Code with the National Land Code to deprive the dayaks of their land. A vote for PH is a vote for imperialism by Malaya over Sarawak. A vote for GPS is a vote for continued policies of colonialism by the Federation of Malaya over SarawakIt is a sad thing dayaks are still fighting a losing game. Many don't realise that locals here are agents of Malayan government to dominate Sarawakians economically and politically.


It is a sad thing dayaks are still fighting a losing game. Many don't realise that locals here are agents of Malayan government to dominate Sarawakians economically and politically. It is an imperialism strategy by Malaya government to have set foot here through political parties from Malaya to control our economy and politics. Sarawakians need to realise that YBs from PH speak for Malaya and Sarawakians need to see them as agents for Malaya with the main objective to dominate us economically and politically.

GPS (formerly BN) had alienated lands to many Malayan companies (local ministers and CM could be under political pressure to alienate the land) that could have encroached into NCR land. Alternatively, these companies may just took the opportunity to encroach into NCR land once they have acquired lands here. These companies could be supporters or have connections with Malayan parties, especially with PKR, Primbumi and DAP.

Dayaks can win their NCR lands cases in lower court but it is at the apex court that the dusts of all cases have to be settled. Past judgments have seen NCR cases found it very tough to win because judges from Malaya may not understand what is meant by pulau galau etc. A dayak lawyer even asked a question in the social media whether NCR cases in court had been affected by incompetency in administration of the judiciary. Incompetentcy of the judiciary is put on the spotlight recently in an affidavit of a senior Court of Appeal Judge.

If PH forms the state government, there could be a possibility for PH to amend the Sarawak Land Code and to streamline this Sarawak Land Code with the National Land Code to deprive the dayaks of their land.

A vote for PH is a vote for imperialism by Malaya over Sarawak. A vote for GPS is a vote for continued policies of colonialism by the Federation of Malaya over Sarawak. Sabah and Sarawak have less than one third of all parliamentary seats combined together and with that there is no way the governments of Sabah and Sarawak could defeat any bill to passed as law affecting Sabah and Sarawak.

The federal cabinet is controlled by Malaya and ministers from Sarawak in the federal cabinet can have very little say. The dayaks here had since 1963 been at the losing end.

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