Voon Lee Shan:

*Are not Sabah and Sarawak colonies of the Federation of Malaya? Now the federal government has suggested to amend Article 1(2) Federal Constitution to give back the status of Sabah and Sarawak to their original positions but this would not be able to solve the problems faced by Sabah and Sarawak. It is proposed that Sabah and Sarawak as *wilayah* within the Federation. This is bad because *wilayah means territory* not Nations. Do take note, the Federation of Malaysia is not a country but a federation formed originally by four countries and this status should be maintained.


People now are of the opinion that Sabah and Sarawak are being colonised by Malaya and there are evidence towards this.

Tunku had admitted in a book that Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak were a gift by the British. Malaya after taking the gift took a new name, Malaysia. Therefore, Malaya is Malaysia and Malaysia is Malaya.

It is recorded in the United Nations official record that Sabah and Sarawak had been acquired as territories of Malaya. The annexation was no doubt, without bloodshed, but was agreed too between the British and Tunku even before the Cobbold Commission. Please understand that why Sabah and Sarawak are perceived as colonies:

*the federal constitution of Malaysia is the federal constitution of Malaya but was adopted as the federal constitution for Malaysia after it was amended and passed by Parliament after Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak became part of Malaya (now Malaysia) .

*the national anthem was the national anthem of Malaya

*Sabah and Sarawak celebrate Merdeka day which has no relevance to Sabah and Sarawak.

*Malaya don't celebrate Malaysia DAY (16 SEPTEMBER) 

*TYT of  Sarawak has to be appointed by Agong and can be removed by Agong

*TYT cannot become king of Malaysia.

*the federal cabinet is controlled by Malaya and the federal cabinet can ignore the rights and privileges entrenched in the federal constitution. For example, although the Federal Constitution gives the right to be provided with grants or the right to receive back  revenues taken by the Federation, Sabah and Sarawak never got the much needed money from Malaya

*Revenues from our oil and gas goes to Malaya. Sabah and Sarawak could not even get the 5% royalty back. Sabah and Sarawak were only paid *cash payment* and the amount was small. This had become a torny issue

*Parliamentary seats from sabah and Sarawak combined together are less than one third of all parliamentary seats allocated to Malaya. There is no equal partnership. Therefore, Malaya can 
pass laws against the interest of Sabah and Sarawak easily

*Art 47 federal constitution allows Malaya people to stand for Parliamentary seats here. This can lead Malaya to control the state government and take the resources of Sabah and Sarawak easily. Sabah and Sarawak are Nations, and by able to stand elections here affects the dignity and sovereignity of Sabah and Sarawak . Art 47 is an imperialism strategy by Malaya

* Most revenues must go to Malaya first before federal cabinet through the finance minister decides how much finance could be allocated to Sabah and through parliament. In 2017 Malaya took from Sarawak RM110 billion but what was given back was only RM4 billion.

*Are not Sabah and Sarawak colonies of the Federation of Malaya? Now the federal government has suggested to amend Article 1(2) Federal Constitution to give back the status of Sabah and Sarawak to their original positions but this would not be able to solve the problems faced by Sabah and Sarawak. It is proposed that Sabah and Sarawak as *wilayah* within the Federation. This is bad because *wilayah means territory* not Nations. Do take note, the Federation of Malaysia is not a country but a federation formed originally by four countries and this status should be maintained.

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