Image result for yu chin liik Yu Chin Liik

I am very grateful to all the comrades from all over the Sarawak, for your attending the morning and afternoon meetings during the Ching Ming Festival’s family activities. It is your enthusiasm to participate, caused the success of today’s Central Committee Conference. The history of Sarawak has developed to this great day, and the times have given you the great mission in the new journey of the beginning of the 21st century, you will write a new chapter for the history of Sarawak!   半个多世纪的风云变化,砂拉越的历史发展至如今 ,时代已然把伟大的使命交给您们!同志们我祝福大家 ,都在这二十一世纪伊始的新征程中为砂拉越历史再谱写新章


Image result for yu chin liik Yu Chin Liik



You will write a new chapter for the history of Sarawak!

Thank you for your attend the successful meeting of PBK Central Committee on March 31
(March 31, 2019)


I am very grateful to all the comrades from all over the Sarawak, for your attending the morning and afternoon meetings during the Ching Ming Festival’s family activities.

It is your enthusiasm to participate, caused the success of today’s Central Committee Conference.

I am thinking back with great emotion.
More than half a century of changing,
The history of Sarawak has developed to this great day, and the times have given you the great mission!

Our old comrades have been old and rare, time for our old age comrades are limited, and we can have you younger generations to take over. It is really like old Chinese proverb said : Heaven has eyes !

Rajang River Batang Lupar Baram and Sarawak River,
Huge waves surging!

The Gunong Gading, Hose Mountain, and Gunong Mulu,
thousands mountain echo and resounding !

The five continents have already on thundering.
The heroes of the new era new generation are ready to go!

I wish you all,
In the new journey of the beginning of the 21st century, you will write a new chapter for the history of Sarawak!

Yu Chin Liik







砂拉越的历史发展至如今 ,时代已然把伟大的使命交给您们!


拉让江巴南鲁巴砂拉越河水涛涛 ,

同志们 ,
我祝福大家 ,

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