Image result for Tun Fuad Stephen  had this to say in 1962:

The former Chief Minister of Sabah, Tun Fuad Stephen had this to say in 1962:  My people feel that if North Borneo joins Malaya now as a State, it would infact meant that North Borneo would become not a State but a Colony of the Federation of Malaya. As I have said before, the fears are genuine. Not actually or suspicion of the sincerity to take on as equal partner but more the fear that by virtue of our status as a British Colony we would automatically become a second class State or a Colony of Malaya.



A. The former Paramount Chief of the Iban Temenggong Jugah Ak. Barieng had this to say in 1963:

1. Anang aja Melaya tu baka tebu, manis di pun tabar di ujung ( translated - Sugarcane, sweet in the beginning but less sweet towards the end).

B. The former Chief Minister of Sabah, Tun Fuad Stephen had this to say in 1962:

2. My people feel that if North Borneo joins Malaya now as a State, it would infact meant that North Borneo would become not a State but a Colony of the Federation of Malaya. As I have said before, the fears are genuine. Not actually or suspicion of the sincerity to take on as equal partner but more the fear that by virtue of our status as a British Colony we would automatically become a second class State or a Colony of Malaya.

C. The former Chief Minister of Sarawak, Stephen Kalong Ningkan had this to say in 1965:

3. Undeniably, the Malaysian Prime Minister's plan for a greater Malaysia is a plan in disguise for the transfer of the British Borneo Territories to the Federation of Malaya. He intends to dominate a small country so that he can establish his long - acquired accomplishment of putting everything under his control.

D. For the former Sarawak's High Court Judge, Tan Sri Jemuri Sarjan he had this to say:

4. The public was used to the idea that Petroleum was always vested in the State. How did it becomes vested in the Federal Government?.

Above are bits and pieces of history to remind us in this trying time to chart our future direction for Sarawak. Do we want to be short changed as in the past or do we want to see Sarawak respected as a modern and wealthy nation.The souls of the dead are watching.



If you do not learn history, it will doom to repeat itself. My fellow Sarawakians - The future of Sarawak is in your hands.

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