频道361 - Channel July 6 at 10:56 AM ·
郭素沁部长又大嘴巴,惹起公愤了,再次滥用部长职权打压民间。 现在连学校也不放过。请看988电台视频。

The Education Project of an International school was under the attack of  Primary Industries Minister as well as Education Ministry unnecessarily. They should leave the international school alone in the name of freedom of speech and government should not shoot down anyone who are disagreeing  with government policies. 

International school under probe over anti-palm oil performance

PETALING JAYA: A Kuala Lumpur-based private education institution is under investigation for alleged “anti-palm oil propaganda activities”.

In a statement, the Education Ministry said the probe would be carried out in accordance with the Education Act 1966 (Act 550).

“The ministry will not compromise with any propaganda and indoctrination in private institutions that tarnish the image and name of the country,” said Education director-general Datuk Dr Amin Senin (pic).

He said they took a serious view on the matter, and that the involvement of students was against the country’s policy.

“We will also release a reminder to all international schools to ensure such an incident does not happen again,” he said.

On Tuesday, Primary Industries Minister Teresa Kok chided the international school for purportedly staging a performance, involving primary school pupils, depicting a protest against oil palm plantations.

She described the performance as “sowing hatred” towards oil palm plantations among the pupils.

A one-minute, 10-second video clip of the performance, uploaded on YouTube, showed children dressed in environmentally-themed costumes giving a presentation about environmental issues surrounding unsustainable oil palm plantations.

The students said orang utan in Malaysia were disappearing at an alarming rate due to the production of unsustainable palm oil.

The performance referenced the controversial “Rang-tan” anti-palm oil cartoon by supermarket chain Iceland Food and Greenpeace UK, which told the story of an orang utan that was forced from the forest to make way for palm oil production.

In November 2018, Kok joined palm oil associations in condemning the Iceland-Greenpeace video campaign as an “unfair and biased political propaganda”.

Facing growing anti-palm oil sentiments from the European Union, a year-long “Love My Palm Oil” campaign was launched in January to fight anti-palm oil campaigns.

Source: The Star

Hannah defends school students over 'anti-oil palm' performance

Segambut MP Hannah Yeoh (left in photo) has sprung to the defence of the international school students who received criticism for a performance which depicted oil palm in a negative light.

"I am the MP for the area where this international school is located.

"The uproar over the video and presentation by children related to orangutans and sustainable palm oil industry is unfortunate," she said in a Facebook post today.

"The video in circulation is only a small cut of a 24-minute performance by Year 3 students (7-8 years old). The students performed this at their weekly assembly. The performance covered a wide range of issues concerning the environment from climate change, global warming, solar energy, protection of oceans, plastic use, recycling effort to preservation of orangutan, and the forest."
"I have personally watched the full video, and I am convinced that there was no agenda to undermine the government's effort to promote palm oil," said Yeoh, who is also deputy women, family and community development minister.

Her reaction contrasts starkly with fellow DAP leader, Primary Industries Minister Teresa Kok, who was far from amused over the performance.

Urging the headmaster and teachers to stop emulating European countries, Kok accused them of doing a disservice to the nation and spreading "untrue and one-sided" messages to the children.

She equated the action as "sabotage" of the ministry's efforts to promote palm oil.

Striking a conciliatory tone, Yeoh said she welcomed Kok's statement today to engage in dialogue with the school and students.

"After all, this is the essence of education - to equip the next generation with information and the opportunity to make an assessment of the situation on their own without coercion," she said.

She did, however, hit out at those who were sharing the video indiscriminately.

"I appeal to you to stop circulating it as it shows the faces of these children. Children have rights too, and it is about time Malaysians learn to respect that," she said.

Source: Malaysiakini

The following is Chinese 988 Radio Station video interview on the subject























Source: Oriental

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