(Dayak Daily - By Lian Cheng - September 20, 2019)

KUCHING, Sept 20: Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) holds that Sarawak must set up its own defence to safeguard its borders by reviving the Sarawak Rangers and Border Scouts. Its president Voon Lee Shan, who believed that the Malaysian armed forces are illequipped, said past incidences have shown that Sarawak could not rely on the military to safeguard Sarawak’s security.

“We have to understand that the defence of this part of Borneo states, of Sarawak and Sabah, cannot depend on the Malaysian Army. “Past instances had indicated that the Malaysian army is incapable to defend the borders of Sarawak and Sabah from being infiltrated by foreign forces and terrorists,” he told a press conference, here, today.

Voon mentioned faulty submarine that could not submerge; Defence Minister Mohammad Sabu’s declaration that only four out of 28 jet fighters could fly; the Lahad Datu Invasion by the Suluks in 2013 and the kidnap of local rural residents near Balai Ringin by Indonesian soldiers, as examples of the incompetence of Malaysian defence.  “Given the defence state at this moment, PBK voiced again that Sarawak should start its own defence team.

“Sarawak should revive its own Rangers and Border Scouts so that our borders could be protected from infiltration by undesirable elements into Sarawak nation.” He explained that Sarawak is a nation, as anyone who wanted to enter Sarawak, including Peninsular Malaysians must use a passport. As Sarawak is a nation, it is entitled to set up its own defence by reviving the Sarawak Rangers and Border Scouts.

“The Sarawak government should not be afraid of any opposition from the federal government in reviving Sarawak Rangers or raising an army for Sarawak. “This is because even though the Federal Constitution gives the responsibility to federal government on the matters on security, it does not prohibit the Sarawak government to build its own army,” he pointed out.

He said if there is such a prohibition, the army of Johor Sultanate should have been dissolved. “On that ground, the Sarawak government is reminded of its responsibility to revive the Sarawak Rangers and Border Scouts to create its own army.” He further pointed out that under the international principle of defence, it is allowed to take arms against an armed person.

“In this respect, internal security of Sarawak is best handled by Sarawakians who have a more than vested interest in this matter of national security. “For the security of people of Sarawak, PBK urges the Sarawak government to look into this matter with urgency,” said Voon. Voon said the fact that the federal government can easily give away 600,000 special passes to immigrants in Sabah also constitute a valid reason for Sarawak to have its own army.

“If federal government can issue special passes to immigrants in Sabah, there is no reason for the government not to issue the same special passes to immigrants in Sarawak in near future. “The immigrants that come in to both States in near future if not controlled properly will take over the population of Sarawak and Sabah. They will be more than us,”   With Indonesia planning to move its capital to East Kalimantan, he foresaw immigrants coming to Sarawak and Sabah. “With immigrants coming to Sarawak and Sabah and also with the influx of immigrants from Indonesians to Kalimantan, we can see very clearly that there is a security threat to Sarawak and Sabah, very imminent,” he opined.

He said as the immigrants who have no allegiance and loyalty towards to Sarawak, there may be civil unrest and even terrorism.

Source:— DayakDaily

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