中马建交45周年主题曲  The theme song to commemorate the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Malaysia and China. Both Singers are famous Malaysian singers Lee Pei Ling and Ms.Siti Nur Masyitah Mohd Yusoff 

#中马建交45周年主题曲 #左肩 #ThemeSongof45thAnniversary #BahuKiri

为隆重纪念 #中马建交45周年,中国驻马来西亚使馆联合马来西亚 #芒果传媒MangoMedia、#视星文化OnMuse 资深音乐制作人 #王炳智 及知名导演 #周青元 ,共同创作了这首名为 《左肩》 的主题曲。这首歌由马来西亚两位年轻歌手 #李佩玲、#玛莎 联袂演唱,以别样的视角演绎 #中马友谊 的温度与厚度。今天我们正式发布这首歌的中文版MV。马来语版MV也在创作中,相信很快会同大家见面。

It's Showtime!
In order to commemorate the #45thAnniversary of the establishment of #ChinaMalaysiaDiplomaticRelations this year, the Chinese Embassy in Malaysia, in collaboration with a group of Malaysian partners, produced a theme song, named “BahuKiri”, which means “#theleftshoulder”. The song was performed by two young Malaysian singers, Ms. #LeePeiLing and Ms. #SitiNurmasyitahBintiMohdYusoff, to elaborate the warmth and depth of #ChinaMalaysiaFriendship from a different perspective. Today we will officially release the Chinese version of this song. Its Malay version is under progress and will be presented to the public pretty soon.


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